TYPO3 Address-Manager

Manage addresses, contacts and use proximity searches.

Our TYPO3 Address Manager extension provides a convenient and flexible solution for the administration and output of address data. Addresses can be created, categorized, and bundled in a backend module and output in the frontend as a list, Google map and / or detailed display.

Radius and free text search fields are also available - also known as radial search or radius search. The free text search field is flexible and can be positioned anywhere on the list display. Each address can be populated with search engine-relevant information, such as a title, description, and keywords. OpenGraph information can also be included, as well as direct links to your social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). A usage as a store finder or store locator is quiet easy.

In addition, the TYPO3 Address-Manager Extension provides a plug-in for frontend users to maintain their own data.