TYPO3 Fluid-Form

Create simple forms with TypoScript and Fluid.

The TYPO3 Fluid-Form Extension allows you to use Ajax forms, which are easily configured in TypoScript. All fields and field types are available - including Mavguard and Honey-Pots. In addition, the TYPO3 Fluid-Form Extension allows versioning and is therefore easy to maintain.

Various "finishers" determine what happens when the form is sent. The form's contents can of course simply be emailed but there is also the option that they can be written to a database or used to create a PDF file on the fly. The PDF files are created using templates that can be set up for senders and for recipients. If the data is to be written to the database, a scheduler can be setup to collect the data and send it to a predefined recipient address as a CSV file.

In addition, data can be deleted automatically after a certain period of time. As the forms can be linked to any data records they can pass on hidden information e.g. the webpage title on which the form was used or the respective news entry, etc.