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  • Install the extension.
  • Create a system folder and create a "connection" record for the fahrzeugsuche extension.
  • Configure the connection record as following:
    • Source: eAutoseller
    • ID: Chose an ID you like, this must be an integer and not used for other connections
    • Label: Choose a lable you like
    • Folder with data to import: select the folder in which you will upload the ZIP file from the eAutoseller application

Executing the import

You can start the import in the CLI, e. g.

vendor/bin/typo3 eautoseller:import

You can also use the TYPO3 scheduler by using the task Execute console commands and then the schedulable command eautoseller:import.


Optionally you can set the connection uid for which you want to execute the import. If you skip this, imports for all connections of type "eAutoseller" will be executed.


vendor/bin/typo3 eautoseller:import --connectionUid=123

Configure the fahrzeugsuche plugin

For the fahrzeugsuche plugin you will need the following typoscript settings .


(assuming that your sysfolder PID is 10)

themes.configuration.container.fahrzeugsuche = 10


(assuming that the ID defined in the connection is 2323)

plugin.tx_fahrzeugsuche.settings.accounts.2323.id = 2323
TYPO3 Fahrzeugsuche-eAutoseller Extension

TYPO3 - eAutoseller

Diese TYPO3-Erweiterung ist eine Zusatzerweiterung für "fahrzeugsuche". Sie ermöglicht den Import von Fahrzeugdaten von eautoseller.de



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