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Implementierte View-Helper
TYPO3 Additional TCA
Diese Erweiterung hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihr TCA aufgeräumt und leicht wartbar zu halten.
Key Features
Basic | |
Stellt Methoden für Tab-Beschriftungen bereit | |
Stellt Methoden für oft verwendete Felder wie sys_language_uid, hidden und mehr bereit (siehe Dokumentation) | |
Bietet Konfigurationsvoreinstellungen für den Markdown-t3editor | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Eingabe von Währungen | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Eingabe von Prozentwerten | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Eingabe von Uhrzeiten | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Eingabe von Gewichte | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Eingabe von Telefone | |
Form-Engine Feld für die Anzeige erweiterter Hinweise und Beschreibungen | |
Erweiterte Funktionen für das Datum Form-Engine Feld | |
Erweiterte Funktionen für das Datum/Uhrzeit Form-Engine Feld | |
Form-Engine Feld mit Bagdes mit dem man schnell wiederkehrende Begriffe auswählen kann | |
Ein- und ausklappbare Textarea, um Inhalte bei Bedarf zu verstecken | |
€ 0,00 ex. VAT |
Change Log
Additional TCA Change-Log
2024-12-16 Release of version 1.16.2
- [BUGFIX] Migrate TCA from t3editor to codeEditor
2024-11-27 Release of version 1.16.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix flex-form labels in draw-item event
2024-11-15 Release of version 1.16.0
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 13, remove support for TYPO3 11
2024-11-15 Release of version 1.15.14
- [BUGFIX] Fix adding and subctracting time/date in date-pickers
2024-11-15 Release of version 1.15.13
- [BUGFIX] Fix parameter name in condition for l10n_parent
2024-10-21 Release of version 1.15.12
- [BUGFIX] Fix hard-coded table name for l10n_parent
2024-10-17 Release of version 1.15.11
- [BUGFIX] Add try blocks for dismiss js in order to avoid issues during frontend testing
- [TASK] Add suggested extension information translations
- [TASK] Add Attribute9Trait, Attribute10Trait, Attribute11Trait, Attribute12Trait
2024-08-22 Release of version 1.15.10
- [TASK] Add possibility to turn off CURL verification, in order to avoid issues during codeception tests
- [BUGFIX] Fix JavaScript initialization issue on DismissSuggestion script
2024-08-13 Release of version 1.15.9
- [TASK] Add setUsername setting in Username trait
- [TASK] Code clean up in JavaScript files
2024-05-23 Release of version 1.15.8
- [TASK] Add images with alt and title only
2024-04-29 Release of version 1.15.7
- [TASK] Add inline link for documentation and more informations
- [TASK] Add phone field migration documentation
2024-03-12 Release of version 1.15.6
- [TASK] Add nl2br in backend notive field
2024-02-25 Release of version 1.15.5
- [BUGFIX] Restore TCA preset for frontend_user
2024-02-05 Release of version 1.15.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix TCA datetime dbtype
- [BUGFIX] Avoid accessing flex form array index on non-existing flex form
2024-01-15 Release of version 1.15.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix version number
2024-01-13 Release of version 1.15.2
- [TASK] Add TCA preset for a CSS field
2023-11-29 Release of version 1.15.1
- [TASK] Add additional TCA config and Trait
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
2023-11-22 Release of version 1.15.0
- [FEATURE] Add a new custom field for phone
2023-11-01 Release of version 1.14.16
- [TASK] Clean up documentation
2023-10-30 Release of version 1.14.15
- [BUGFIX] Prevent warnings in drawitem content preview event
2023-10-18 Release of version 1.14.14
- [TASK] Add more extensions to drawitem content preview event
2023-10-16 Release of version 1.14.13
- [BUGFIX] Fix undefined eval array index in TCA
- [TASK] Add more extensions to drawitem content preview event
- [BUGFIX] Add default options for link preset
2023-10-15 Release of version 1.14.12
- [TASK] Add more extensions to drawitem content preview event
2023-10-04 Release of version 1.14.11
- [TASK] Migration stuff for link types
- [TASK] Remove deprecated TCA for double field
2023-10-04 Release of version 1.14.10
- [TASK] Remove deprecated TCA table_local field
- [BUGFIX] Fix relation information in backend content element preview and add more compatible extensions
2023-10-03 Release of version 1.14.9
- [TASK] Remove deprecated TCA in type group
- [BUGFIX] Fix DrawItem listener
- [TASK] Update T3editor/Modes.php
- [TASK] Update JavaScriptModules.php
- [TASK] Add HTML & Markdown example fields
- [TASK] Add backend page module preview for portfolios extension
2023-09-04 Release of version 1.14.8
- [TASK] Optimize documentation
2023-08-18 Release of version 1.14.7
- [BUGFIX] Fix tt_content_drawItem event for TYPO3 12
2023-08-18 Release of version 1.14.5
- [TASK] Migration of tt_content_drawItem hook for TYPO3 12
2023-08-16 Release of version 1.14.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 issue in image trait
2023-08-15 Release of version 1.14.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix allowed file types for images preset
- [TASK] Optimize comma-separation in backend record preview
2023-08-08 Release of version 1.14.2
- [TASK] Migration of checkbox TCA for TYPO3 12
- [TASK] Migration of datetime field TCA for TYPO3 12
- [TASK] Migration of required flag in TCA for TYPO3 12
- [TASK] Migration of l10n_parent in TCA for TYPO3 12
2023-08-07 Release of version 1.14.1
- [TASK] Extend documentation for new weight field
2023-07-24 Release of version 1.14.0
- [FEATURE] Add a new custom field for weights
2023-07-19 Release of version 1.13.1
- [TASK] Add strict types for import id trait
- [BUGFIX] Fix markdown module for t3editor mode definitions to TYPO3 11
- [TASK] Add getter for image path in image-trait
- [TASK] Migrate markdown module for t3editor mode definitions to TYPO3 12
- [BUGFIX] Remove unsupported markdown module for t3editor mode definitions
- [BUGFIX] Add default for l10n_parent field in TCA
- [BUGFIX] Fix badge suggested usage in TYPO3 11 and 12
2023-04-11 Release of version 1.13.0
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
2023-03-27 Release of version 1.12.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix logical structure of information row
2023-03-21 Release of version 1.12.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix BadgeSuggested element logic
2023-03-14 Release of version 1.12.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix JavaScript logic in TYPO3 10/11
- [BUGFIX] Add compatibility for TYPO3 10
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing validation rules for BadgeSuggested
2023-03-09 Release of version 1.12.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix application type condition in TYPO3 10
2023-03-08 Release of version 1.12.0
- [FEATURE] Add control buttons for Duration field
- [TASK] Execute PageRenderer-Hook only in BE-Context
- [TASK] Add some hints in the documentation
2023-01-09 Release of version 1.11.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix TCA title of the testing and example record
- [TASK] Optimize code by using phpstan
- [TASK] Add some traits for domain model property/getter/setter
2022-11-29 Release of version 1.11.0
- [FEATURE] Add new Form element ExpandableTextarea
- [TASK] Insert more example and testing fields in the example record
2022-10-22 Release of 1.10.2
- [BUGFIX] Add DocumentService event in JavaScript initializations
- [BUGFIX] Add missing description text in Currency and Percent field
- [TASK] Reduce size of currency field
2022-10-11 Release of 1.10.1
- [TASK] Insert button labels for date/time field widgets
- [BUGFIX] Fix Flatpickr on change by using widget buttons
- [BUGFIX] Fix JavaScript validation in email field for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Optimize error handling and information for update checks
- [TASK] Add client side email validation
- [BUGFIX] Extend JavaScript for Duration field, when a translated unit is in use
2022-08-21 Release of 1.10.0
- [BUGFIX] Don't use a default value in Notice field
- [BUGFIX] Fix additional date/time buttons, when no date/time is available
- [FEATURE] Add option for divergent RTE configuration
- [FEATURE] Extend Notice field with options and documentation
2022-08-13 Release of 1.9.0
- [FEATURE] Add additional features for date and date/time Form-Engine field
- [FEATURE] Add duration Form-Engine field
- [TASK] Extend the documentation
2022-06-28 Release of 1.8.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix accessing an undefined readonly array index
2022-06-26 Release of 1.8.0
- [FEATURE] Add a new input field for colors with colorpicker
2022-05-27 Release of 1.7.4
- [BUGFIX] Ensure that a default timestamp is an integer
2022-05-13 Release of 1.7.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix not nullable price and percent render types
2022-05-05 Release of 1.7.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix documentation for full presets
2022-05-03 Release of 1.7.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix warnings of undefined dbType options
2022-04-19 Release of 1.7.0
- [FEATURE] Add a new input field with suggested badges
- [TASK] Add condition for language field in TYPO3 11
2022-04-09 Release of 1.6.4
- [BUGFIX] Ensure translations are used from this extension
2022-04-09 Release of 1.6.3
- [TASK] Insert option for default value
- [TASK] Remove exclude definition from l10n_parent field in TCA
- [TASK] Remove showRecordFieldList from TCA example
- [BUGFIX] Add PHP dependency in ext_emconf.php
2022-04-02 Release of 1.6.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 8 type issue with update message
2022-30-03 Release of 1.6.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with namespaces in traits
2022-03-03 Release of 1.6.0
- [FEATURE] Add traits for Starttime and Endtime in models
- [BUGFIX] Fix default configuration for starttime and endtime
- [FEATURE] Add Notice TCA type, for displaying additional information and notices
2022-02-23 Release of 1.5.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix TYPO3-TER md5 hash
2022-02-22 Release of 1.5.1
- [FEATURE] Add domain model traits for properties
- [FEATURE] Add generic draw item hook
- [TASK] Remove configuration conditions for TYPO3 9 and older
- [TASK] Replace LF by PHP_EOL
- [TASK] Add documentations configuration and migrate into single documentation files
- [TASK] Rise PHP version to 7.4
- [TASK] Code clean up and refactoring
2022-01-03 Release of 1.5.0
- [TASK] Add field configuration value for images and files
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and remove support for TYPO3 9
- [TASK] Prepare some more tab labels
2021-06-05 Release of 1.4.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix TCA eval of float values
2021-06-04 Release of 1.4.1
- [TASK] Add an option file image file types in preset
2021-06-04 Release of 1.4.0
- [FEATURE] Currency and Percent field supports now integer and float database fields
2021-05-30 Release of 1.3.6
- [BUGFIX] Fix naming of frontend_user pre configuration to frontendUserSingle
2021-03-31 Release of 1.3.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix configuration preset for links
2021-03-28 Release of 1.3.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix render type for starttime and endtime
- [TASK] Add configuration for HTML fields
- [TASK] Add more default values for fields
2021-03-28 Release of 1.3.3
- [BUGFIX] Migrate extension configuration utility
- [BUGFIX] Remove clearable if field is readonly
- [TASK] Add configuration examples in Readme
2020-09-22 Release of 1.3.2
- [BUGFIX] Initialize form elements on document ready
2020-09-22 Release of 1.3.1
- [BUGFIX] String to int conversion in form elements
2020-09-22 Release of 1.3.0
- [FEATURE] Add field configuration preset for multiple images
- [TASK] Add german translations
- [BUGFIX] Correct lower and upper range for int field
- [FEATURE] Lower and upper range for int field
2020-09-04 Release of 1.2.0
- [FEATURE] Added Currency and Percent form elements
- [BUGFIX] Changed fileSingle to inline type
2020-08-24 Release of 1.1.4
- [TASK] Extend documentation
- [TASK] Add labels for tabs
- [TASK] Add frontend_user field
- [TASK] Add default value for RTE field
2020-07-20 Release of 1.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Add foreign_match_fields for image TCA presets
2020-07-17 Release of 1.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Add default value for dateTime preset with timestamp
2020-07-02 Release of Version 1.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Change information row priority in order to avoid conflicts
2020-07-02 Release of Version 1.1.0
- [FEATURE] TCA preset for coordinate (latitude, longitude)
- [TASK] Add more tab labels
- [TASK] Extend documentation
2020-07-02 Release of Version 1.0.2
- [TASK] Add tags to composer.json
2020-07-01 Release of Version 1.0.1
- [TASK] Translate readme markdown see #1
2020-07-01 Release of Version 1.0.0
- [TASK] Implement base features