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TYPO3 Commands


Diese Extension stellt Dir einige nützliche Befehle für den TYPO3 Scheduler und die Commandozeile zur Verfügung.

Key Features

Automatisches Zippen von Ordnern (Shell tar, PHP/PEAR tar)
Automatischer Datenbankexport
Automatische Bildoptimierung (jpeg, png) durch Verwendung von jpegoptim
Automatische Korrektur der Bilddateiendung
Fasst alle verwendeten CSS-Klassen in tt_content bodytext zusammen
Bereinigung von Datensätzen in der Datenbank
Frontend-Benutzer Benachrichtigung die seit x Tagen nicht eingeloggt sind
Automatische Slug-Generierung für benutzerdefinierte Datensätze
RTE-Bilder nach TYPO3-Upgrade/Migration reparieren
 € 0,00 ex. VAT


EnglischStableTYPO3 8.7OpenSourceTYPO3 9.5PHP 7.2PHP 7.3PHP 7.4TYPO3 10.4KostenlosPHP 8.0TYPO3 11.5

Change Log

Commands Change-Log

2022-05-13 Release of 1.5.2

  • [TASK] Normalize documentation configuration
  • [TASK] Allow execution of GenerateSlugs command in scheduler
  • [BUGFIX] Add missing return value for GenerateSlugs command

2022-03-02 Release of 1.5.1

  • [TASK] ResizeImages command: Make sure that images are processed directly, not only when the image URL is called by a browser

2022-02-17 Release of 1.5.0

[!!!] This version drops support for TYPO3 9

  • [TASK] Migrate Extbase CommandControllers to Symfony Commands
  • [TASK] Preparation for TYPO3 10+11 and removing support for TYPO3 9
  • [BUGFIX] Fix getting absolute folder for frontend files
  • [TASK] Add documentation configuration
  • [TASK] Optimize documentations configuration

2021-12-02 Release of 1.4.1

  • [TASK] Add option forceOriginalFileName for ResizeImages command

2021-11-30 Release of 1.4.0

  • [FEATURE] Add command for resizing images

2020-08-20 Release of 1.3.1

  • [BUGFIX] Moved extra tags to the right scope in composer.json

2020-08-20 Release of 1.3.0

  • [FEATURE] Add group and dryRun parameter for NotifyUser command
  • [FEATURE] Add command for fix RTE images after TYPO3 upgrade/migration
  • [TASK] Add documentation files for all commands
  • [TASK] Rise PHP version up to 7.2

2020-04-14 Release of 1.2.0

  • [FEATURE] Add command for generating slugs

2020-04-07 Release of 1.1.0

  • [FEATURE] Add command for delete records
  • [BUGFIX] Fix database command path for mysql dump
  • [BUGFIX] Fix filesystem command path for tar dump
  • [FEATURE] Add command for notifying frontend users to login
  • [FEATURE] Add command for summarizing CSS class usage of tt_content bodytext.
  • [FEATURE] Add command for fixing images with wrong content type or file extension.
  • [TASK] Change export folder from /typo3temp/tx_commands/ to /tx_commands/.
  • [TASK] Hide sensitive data from log files.
  • [TASK] Create a more detailed log filename.
  • [FEATURE] Add command for creating a tar by using Archive_Tar PEAR library.
  • [TASK] Initial import.
TYPO3 Commands Erweiterung

TYPO3 Commands

Nützliche Befehle für den TYPO3 Scheduler und Commandozeile

Frei verfügbar

  • Issue-Tracker Zugang
  • Produkt Dokumentation
  • Zeitlich unbegrenzte Nutzung

Preis 0,00 € exkl. MwSt.

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