TYPO3 Modules
Diese Erweiterung bietet Dir einige ViewHelper und Utilities zur Erstellung von Backend-Modulen. Grundsätzlich kannst Du Tabellen mit Hilfe von TypoScript definieren. Durch die Verwendung dieser TypoScript-Syntax kannst du leicht Tabellenspalten hinzufügen und empfohlene Aktionen (wie Bearbeiten, Ausblenden, Einblenden, Löschen und mehr) wiederverwenden.
Alle Tabellenzellen und Aktionen werden durch Fluid-Partials eingefügt, sodass Du sie schnell anpassen kannst.
Wirf einen Blick auf die Erweiterung Internel Notes (EXT:internal_notes), um ein Beispiel für deren Verwendung zu erhalten.
Key Features
Basic | |
Profilverarbeitung für eingeloggte Frontend-Benutzer | |
Registrierung für Frontend-Benutzer (optional: Registrierungsbestätigung durch Site-Administrator) | |
Einladungscodes für die Registrierung (personalisierbar und zeitliche Begrenzung möglich) | |
Backendmodul für die Verwaltung von Frontend-Benutzern inkl. Autorisationen | |
Backendmodul für die Verwaltung von Backend-Benutzern (auch einsetzbar für Redakteure) inkl. Autorisationen | |
Backendmodul für die Verwaltung von Einladungscodes für die Registrierung | |
Backendmodul für den Import von Einladungscodes für die Registrierung | |
Toolbox für die Erstellung von Backendmodulen (Ein Beispiel in ist der EXT:internal_notes im TYPO3-TER zu finden) | |
Toolbox für die Erstellung von Frontend-Administrations-Bereichen | |
Toolbox für die Erstellung von umfangreichen Intranet und Applikationen | |
Frontend-Benutzer Liste mit Detailansicht im Frontend, zum Anzeigen deines Teams oder Benutzer | |
€ 0,00 ex. VAT |
Dokumentation & Links
Change Log
Modules Change-Log
2024-12-16 Release of version 7.0.0
2024-09-05 Release of version 6.2.9
- TASK Make hashPassword method in FrontendUserUtility static
- TASK Clean up in frontend user model and add more getter and setter
2024-08-12 Release of version 6.2.8
- TASK Migrate allowedTables condition for defining users page type
- BUGFIX Fix missing default value for vita text in database
2024-07-30 Release of version 6.2.7
- BUGFIX Fix undefined array usages
2024-07-09 Release of version 6.2.6
- BUGFIX Fix argument definition for CSV export method in backend context
2024-06-25 Release of version 6.2.5
- BUGFIX Fix namespace arguments for TYPO3 12, in order to fix backend module toolbar buttons
- TASK Add repository methods for frontend-users
2024-02-14 Release of version 6.2.4
- BUGFIX Add missing database field mapping for frontend user
- BUGFIX Change button color in backend column selection
2024-02-11 Release of version 6.2.3
- BUGFIX Keep selected table columns in backend after new login
2024-02-08 Release of version 6.2.2
2024-01-30 Release of version 6.2.1
2024-01-12 Release of version 6.2.0
- BUGFIX Fix parameter order in askAdminForPermission service
- BUGFIX Fix backend links in TYPO3 12 without enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend set
- TASK Add missing backend translation and gray-out disabled records in backend list
- TASK Optimize backend module filter markup for TYPO3 11 and 12
- TASK Add an backend modules option for show-label-text in toolbar buttons
- BUGFIX Fix backend module authorization in TYPO3 12
- TASK Optimize version conditions in PHP code
- TASK Add missing TypoScript include
- BUGFIX Add condition for controller modulePrefix initialization
- TASK Optimize labels in user authorizations
- FEATURE Add Frontend-User Listing plugin for users list with details
- TASK Add additional fields to frontend user record
- BUGFIX Fix typo in backend module footer
2023-11-07 Release of version 6.1.2
- BUGFIX Fix PHP 7.4 support
- BUGFIX Add enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend feature for fixing return links in backend
2023-11-31 Release of version 6.1.1
2023-10-03 Release of version 6.1.0
- BUGFIX Fix frontend management upload multiple and missing css definition
- BUGFIX Fix usage of different doctrine versions on query result
- BUGFIX Fix frontend management table columns in TYPO3 12
- TASK Optimize header and footer in backend modules
- TASK Update importInvitationCodesAction method
- FEATURE Add csv export for invitation codes list
2023-09-04 Release of version 6.0.1
2023-08-11 Release of version 6.0.0
- TASK Integrate email links by dedicated passed variables
- TASK Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
- TASK Add backend table cell for color hex-codes
- BUGFIX Fix backend tables for TYPO3 10
2024-01-30 Release of version 5.7.3
- TASK Cleanup event to extend export record fields
2024-01-24 Release of version 5.7.2
- TASK Add event to extend export record fields
2023-09-27 Release of version 5.7.1
- TASK Add backend table cell for color hex-codes
2023-09-07 Release of version 5.7.0
- TASK Update importInvitationCodesAction method
- FEATURE Add csv export for invitation codes list
- BUGFIX Fix backend tables for TYPO3 10
2023-05-26 Release of version 5.6.1
- TASK Update importInvitationCodesAction method
- TASK Add csv export for invitation codes list
- BUGFIX Fix backend tables for TYPO3 10
2023-02-06 Release of version 5.6.0
- TASK Add documentation for TypoScript constants
- TASK Migrate TYPO3_MODE PHP constant
- TASK Dispatch AfterProfileUpdatedEvent on profile update
- TASK Remove deprecation of TYPO3_version constant
- TASK Add a TypoScript constant and setting for the user profile page uid
- BUGFIX Add missing controller parameter for returnUrl backend controller method
- TASK Optimize CSS for backend modules
- FEATURE Add default columns for lists
2022-11-20 Release of version 5.5.0
- FEATURE Add column selector in backend module lists
- FEATURE Make access utility extendable
- TASK Add FAQ documentation translation EN
- TASK Move translations from TypoScript to XLIFF files
2022-11-08 Release of version 5.4.1
- BUGFIX Fix changing return types for PHP 8.1
2022-11-02 Release of version 5.4.0
- FEATURE Add column selector for backend modules
- FEATURE Add delimiter selection in invitation code importer
- TASK Clean up deprecated tsconfig
- TASK Optimized documentation
- BUGFIX Fix import invitation codes with usergroup names
- TASK Disable import button until file is selected
- TASK Allow pages in container so that translated container are possible
- TASk Transfer default data from invitation into new frontend user
- TASk Add birthday as default to the invitation code
- FEATURE Add backend module for importing invitation codes for registration
- TASK Transfer default data from invitation into new frontend user
- TASK Add birthday as default to the invitation code
- BUGFIX Fix newsletter field validation for profile editing form
- TASK Add invitation codes extra fields - DB, TCA, model
- FEATURE Migrate from text to html mail templates
- TASK Add invitation codes submodule
- TASK Move table header and pagination above the table
- FEATURE Add a group filter in frontend user backend module
- TASK Don't display the own backend user in backend user module
- TASK Migrate styling for backend filter checkbox
- TASK Add missing german translation
- FEATURE Add optional invitation codes for registration
2022-08-19 Release of version 5.3.0
- BUGFIX Fix frontend management repository initialization
- FEATURE Add newsletter checkbox for Frontend user registration and profile
- BUGFIX Fix group column in backend user module
- FEATURE Add authorization for backend export of frontend user
2022-08-07 Release of version 5.2.2
- TASK Add FrontendUserUtility method for checking if a user has a group
- TASK Add FrontendUser method for getting email/name array for sending emails
2022-08-05 Release of version 5.2.1
- TASK Add authorization rules for questions extension
2022-08-04 Release of version 5.2.0
- BUGFIX Fix inheritance of frontend user group
- BUGFIX Fix default icon identifier in editLink ViewHelper
- FEATURE Add AccessUtility method for accessible pages in backend
- FEATURE Add a page type for frontend user management
- TASK Optimize TCA for be_groups
- BUGFIX Fix access on array index disable in backend modules
- TASK Optimize TCA for fe_users and fe_groups
- TASK Insert an active/inactive action in EditLink ViewHelper
- TASK Add starttime and endtime trait in frontend user model
2022-07-15 Release of version 5.1.4
- TASK Add backend module cell for single images
2022-07-03 Release of version 5.1.3
- TASK Add authorization rules for bookings extension
2022-06-14 Release of version 5.1.2
- BUGFIX Fix access utility and the permission on add and delete tables
2022-06-01 Release of version 5.1.1
- BUGFIX Fix backend bookmark button for TYPO3 10
2022-05-12 Release of version 5.1.0
- TASK Migrate extension icons into Public folder
- TASK Add header and footer ViewHelper for backend modules
- TASK Solve deprecation for bookmarks buttons in backend
- TASK Remove deprecated enableMultiSelectFilterTextfield from TCA
- BUGFIX Transform extension name for backend modules to upper-camel-case
- BUGFIX Fix frontend user profile radio buttons
- TASK Merge static template for frontend profile and registration, because they depend on each other
- TASK Refactoring of backend user authorizations for modules
- FEATURE Add logging service
2022-02-22 Release of version 5.0.0
- TASK Add authorization rules for glossaries extension
- TASK Identify backend module extension key by request
- BUGFIX Fix backend list sorting by a mapped field configuration
- TASK Introduce variables for different Bootstrap versions in TYPO3 10/11 Backend
- BUGFIX Fix modal JavaScript attributes for TYPO3 11
- BUGFIX Fix getting absolute folder for frontend files
- TASK Check PHP array access before using
- TASK Migrate clear cache for frontend management
- TASK Working on documentation und structure
- TASK Ensure profile field value is initialized
- TASK Optimize code style
- TASK Remove noCacheHash parameter
- TASK Cleanup Source code and add Services.yaml
- BUGFIX Fix documentation configuration
- TASK Rise PHP version to 7.4
- TASK Migration for TYPO3 11.5 - remove support for TYPO3 9.5
- TASK Add documentations configuration
2022-12-14 Release of version 4.3.9
- BUGFIX Add missing controller parameter for returnUrl backend controller method
2022-02-22 Release of version 4.3.8
- BUGFIX Fix frontend user profile radio buttons
2022-02-22 Release of version 4.3.7
- BUGFIX Fix backend list sorting by a mapped field configuration
2021-10-17 Release of version 4.3.6
- BUGFIX Fix entities in frontend editing textarea
2021-09-29 Release of version 4.3.5
- BUGFIX Fix login as feature for TYPO3 9.x
2021-09-25 Release of version 4.3.4
- TASK Move registration form finisher service into variable
2021-06-10 Release of version 4.3.3
- BUGFIX Fix initialize values for frontend user profile
2021-06-10 Release of version 4.3.2
- BUGFIX Downgrade Doctrine/DBAL methods for traditional install TYPO3 instances
2021-06-06 Release of version 4.3.1
- BUGFIX Fix condition on undefined value in ValidationService
2021-05-31 Release of version 4.3.0
- TASK Update translation file Readme.de.md
2021-05-26 Release of version 4.2.9
- TASK Add translation file Readme.de.md
2021-05-18 Release of version 4.2.8
- TASK Add extension key in composer.json
2021-02-21 Release of version 4.2.7
- BUGFIX Deactivate page tree for backend user module, so that is impossible to select a page in this module
2021-02-19 Release of version 4.2.6
- TASK Configure all custom defined frontend user fields as exclude fields
2021-02-19 Release of version 4.2.5
- BUGFIX Fix backend user creation link
2021-02-19 Release of version 4.2.4
- BUGFIX Fix extension configuration utility
2021-02-19 Release of version 4.2.3
- TASK Add option to allow non admins to login as frontend user
2021-02-18 Release of version 4.2.2
- BUGFIX Fix frontend user login from backend
2021-02-17 Release of version 4.2.1
- TASK Optimize translations
2021-02-17 Release of version 4.2.0
- FEATURE Add backend module for managing backend users as editor backend user
2020-11-02 Release of version 4.1.6
- TASK Add some documentation
2020-10-30 Release of version 4.1.5
- TASK Cleanup
2020-10-12 Release of version 4.1.4
- TASK Registration email documentation (english)
- TASK Registration email documentation (german)
- TASK Change some example code in documentation
2020-10-07 Release of version 4.1.3
- TASK Add en translation files for Documentation/Frontend
2020-10-06 Release of version 4.1.2
- FEATURE Optional registration confirmation by administrator
- TASK Add new password hashing method "default" which uses the system setting (usually Argon2i)
- BUGFIX Fix typo password hashing constant and show it in the constant editor
2020-10-04 Release of version 4.1.1
- TASK Add extra tag in composer.json for automatic TER release
Release of version 4.1.0
- TASK Add more documentation for frontend management
- BUGFIX Fix DateTime field for frontend management
- BUGFIX Fix sending mail-on-save in frontend management
- FEATURE Use persistence service for object creation in frontend management as well
Release of version 4.0.4
- BUGFIX Compare controller as well in active select box item check
- BUGFIX Check if value is null before iterating over it
- BUGFIX Check if $field['value'] is an array before trimming it in ValidationService
- BUGFIX Moved login check to prepareAction in the FrontendController
- TASK Change translation label
- TASK Change some translation and labeling issues
- TASK Add TypoScript settings as constants see #14
Release of version 4.0.3
- TASK Move content element wizards see #16
Release of version 4.0.2
Release of version 4.0.1
- TASK Add notices about mandatory fields below registration and profile form
Release of version 4.0.0
- BUGFIX Fix checkbox invalid class for Bootstrap 4
- TASK Add title attributes for checkbox links
- TASK Add constant setting for disabling the username field and use email as username
- FEATURE Add export feature for frontend user list in backend
- TASK Fix email sending for TYPO3 10 in DefaultService
- TASK Correct language labels for new content element wizard
- BUGFIX Fix activating tabs in frontend management
- BUGFIX Set correct default value for field "birthday"
- TASK Add warning for missing table message in frontend management context
- TASK Display frontend management svg icons inline for styling by using CSS
- BUGFIX Fix validation of usernames
- FEATURE Add date/time/datetime field for frontend management
- FEATURE Add preset for a notice field in frontend management
- FEATURE Highlight invalid data tabs in frontend management
- TASK Insert filenames into upload element for frontend management
- FEATURE Add unique validator for frontend management
- FEATURE Add float validator for frontend management
- BUGFIX Fix clear cache in frontend context issue
- TASK Optimize error handling on frontend management configuration
- FEATURE Send notification mail on inserted/updated records
- FEATURE Add TypoScript configuration for: use email as username in registration process
- TASK Optimize TCA
- FEATURE Frontend user login from backend modules list
- FEATURE Configuration setting for min length of username and password in registration
- TASK Add new content element wizard for registration and profile see #12
- TASK Add search box for users see #8
- TASK Optimize translation files
- TASK Add translations de.locallang_db see #4
- TASK Add new fields to fe_users TCA and organize them into palettes
- TASK Migration for TYPO3 9.5 upto 10.4
- FEATURE Add Frontend-Editing Tools
- FEATURE New data fields for frontend user: bank account (bank name, owner name, bic, iban), accounting type, country, vat number
- FEATURE Gender options filled by TypoScript
- FEATURE Disclaimer confirm checkbox for registration
Release of version 3.2.0
- TASK Add more german translations
- TASK Refactoring of the BackendController, which is the base controller for backend modules
- FEATURE Add backend module for frontend user groups
- FEATURE Add preparations for page/user TypoScript settings and feature flags
Release of version 3.1.2
- TASK Modify Gitlab-CI configuration.
Release of version 3.1.1
- TASK Rise PHP version in ext_emconf.php.
- TASK Clean up backend module for user.
- BUGFIX Fix backend module for user if sys_note extension is not installed.
Release of version 3.1.0
- FEATURE Add Gitlab-CI configuration.
- FEATURE Add columns only argument for EditLink view helper.
- FEATURE Add company field for registration and profile.
- FEATURE Add initial value for record type while registration.
- FEATURE Send optionally mail notification on profile updates.
- FEATURE Add privacy protection checkbox and field.
- BUGFIX Fix radio and checkbox error message.
- TASK Add strip tags on plain text column.
- BUGFIX Fixing undeclared argument in editInModalLink ViewHelper.
- BUGFIX Fix pagination link buttons - add missing action parameter.
- BUGFIX Fix restoring filter arguments.
- BUGFIX Fix return url in edit link ViewHelper.
Release of version 3.0.1
- BUGFIX Removing DEV identifier.
Release of version 3.0.0
- TASK Migration for TYPO3 9.5.
Release of version 2.6.0
- FEATURE Adding edit-in-modal feature.
Release of version 2.5.1
- BUGFIX Fixing version number in ext_emconf.php.
Release of version 2.5.0
- BUGFIX Fixing close feature in EditInPopupLink-ViewHelper.
- BUGFIX Fixing FrontendUser group cell partial.
- TASK Open links from EditInPopupLink-ViewHelper in maximized window size.
- BUGFIX Adding page uid to edit links in EditLink-ViewHelper.
- TASK Correcting a typo in language file.
- BUGFIX Fixing setting year of birth in FrontendUser model.
- TASK Adding a getAge method in FrontendUser model.
Release of version 2.4.0
- TASK Adding german translations for frontend plugins
- FEATURE Adding frontend user fields for registration and profile: profession, marital status and children, birthday and year of birth
- FEATURE Adding a min age setting and validation
Release of version 2.3.0
- FEATURE Adding frontend user profile username row
- FEATURE Providing base controller
- TASK Adding fetch list for restoring filter values
- FEATURE Adding frontend user profile
Release of version 2.2.0
- FEATURE Adding a frontend user backend module
- FEATURE Adding a simple frontend user registration with double-opt
Release of version 2.0.1
- BUGFIX Fixing key file