TYPO3 Poll
Die TYPO3 Poll-Erweiterung bietet die Möglichkeit umfangreiche Befragungen und Umfragen in Deine Webseite zu integrieren. Dabei ist es möglich, beliebig viele Antwortmöglichkeiten anzubieten und zusätzlich auch Texte und Bilder zu integrieren. Die jeweilige Umfrage kann über ein Plugin auf der gewünschten Seite platziert werden, eine Ergebnisanzeige am Ende der Befragung ist ebenfalls möglich. Über eine „Teaser"-Funktionalität lässt sich die Umfrage auch prominent an gewünschten Stellen (Startseite, Slider, u.ä.) hervorheben und entsprechend verlinken. Die Mehrfachteilnahme kann wiederum über das Setzen entsprechender Cookies unterbunden werden.
Sollten diese Funktionen der Basis-Version der TYPO3 Poll-Extension noch nicht ausreichen, kann man mittels der PRO-Version die Ergebnisse der betroffenen Umfrage auch als CSV-Datei exportieren, auf ein komfortables Backendmodul zugreifen und mit dem sich Umfragen und -ergebnisse verwalten lassen. Auch benutzerdefinierte Antworten (Freitextfeld) sind möglich zu definieren, während zusätzlich die Option besteht, die gesamte Umfrage zurückzusetzen und bereits enthaltene Ergebnisse zu löschen.
Key Features
Basic | Basic + Pro | |
Anlegen beliebig vieler Umfragen mit beliebig vielen Fragen | ||
Beliebig viele Antwortmöglichkeiten, bestehend aus Texten und Bildern | ||
Plugin zum Anzeigen einer Umfrage inkl. Ausfüllmöglichkeit und optionalem Ergebnis am Ende | ||
Plugin zum Anzeigen von Umfrage-Teasern (bspw. für die Startseite oder Sidebar) | ||
Plugin zum Anzeigen aller Umfragen in einer Liste | ||
Separates Plugin für das Ergebnis der Umfrage (direkte Auswahl einer Umfrage oder per Parameter möglich) | ||
Einfache Umfragen (mehrere Antworten je Frage; eine oder mehrere Antworten) | ||
Mehrfachteilnahmen können mittels Cookie unterbunden werden | ||
Eingeloggte Benutzer können begonnene Umfragen zwischenspeichern | ||
Lässt sich auch einfach in ein Intranet zur Befragung von Mitarbeitern integrieren | ||
Backend-Modul, mit dem sich Umfragen und Umfrageergebnisse verwalten lassen | ||
Größere Umfragen auf mehreren Seiten anzeigen (Divider 2 Tabs) | ||
Ergebnisse einer Umfrage als CSV exportieren | ||
Ergebnisse einer Umfrage automatisch via Scheduler-Mail verschicken | ||
Benutzerdefinierte Antworten: Benutzer können auch eigene Antworten auf Fragen eingeben | ||
Umfrage und zugehörige Daten zurücksetzen | ||
€ 0,00 ex. VAT | € 250,00 ex. VAT |
Dokumentation & Links
Change Log
Poll Changelog
2024-03-26 Release of version 4.0.14
- [BUGFIX] Set min items of question answers to 1 in order to avoid issues
2024-03-12 Release of version 4.0.13
- [TASK] Optimize TCA descriptions and labels for better usability
- [TASK] Optimize checkbox translation/description in divider2tabs feature in backend
- [TASK] Clean up JavaScript code
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
2023-11-07 Release of version 4.0.12
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 support
2023-11-01 Release of version 4.0.11
- [TASK] Clean up documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix get content object for TYPO3 11
2023-10-13 Release of version 4.0.10
- [TASK] Add documentation about provided features
2023-10-10 Release of version 4.0.9
- [BUGFIX] Move modules dependency from pro into base extension
- [BUGFIX] Add missing poll object into result fluid template
- [BUGFIX] Fix link action in list-link from result-view
2023-10-04 Release of version 4.0.8
- [TASK] Extension clean up
2023-10-04 Release of version 4.0.7
- [TASK] Optimize documentation articles
- [TASK] Extend backend module and more TYPO3 12 migrations
2023-09-13 Release of version 4.0.6
- [BUGFIX] Add a missing div closing tag
2023-09-11 Release of version 4.0.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix Fluid template paths related to pro-templates
2023-09-07 Release of version 4.0.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 issue in PollAnswer model
2023-09-07 Release of version 4.0.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 issue in Poll model
- [BUGFIX] Fix CSV export if there are deleted questions or answers contained
- [TASK] Add a notice in backend about modifications on poll records
2023-08-15 Release of version 4.0.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix frontend user model usage
- [BUGFIX] Fix fluid form handling and smaller migration bugs
2023-08-14 Release of version 4.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix fluid form handling and smaller migration bugs
2023-08-14 Release of version 4.0.0
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
2023-09-13 Release of version 3.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Add a missing div closing tag
2023-04-28 Release of version 3.1.1
- [TASK] Migrate CSH to TCA descriptions
- [TASK] Create TypoScript constants documentation
- [TASK] Optimize translations for backend
2023-04-03 Release of version 3.1.0
- [FEATURE] Add checkboxes to disallow passing polls by parameter in plugins
- [FEATURE] Allow to display poll result immediately with a plugin
- [TASK] Optimize features in documentation configuration
- [BUGFIX] Fix Configuration usage in TCA definitions
- [TASK] Migrate TYPO3 PHP constants
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing icons in TCA definitions
- [TASK] Optimize documentation for human readable urls
- [TASK] Migrate ext_tables and ext_localconf
2022-12-08 Release of version 3.0.3
- [BUGFIX] Add information field in database in order to avoid SQL issues
2022-10-25 Release of version 3.0.2
- [TASK] Optimize and extend documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix TCA type for answer_count from string to int
2022-06-30 Release of version 3.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix poll answer validation for single and single-with-optional-user-answer
- [TASK] Assume all query parameters in poll result redirect, so that a usage as nested record is possible (for example within a news record)
2022-06-04 Release of version 3.0.0
- [FEATURE] Add an additional possibility to select a result page in poll flex form
- [TASK] Optimize error handling when try to access restricted polls
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and drop support for TYPO3 8 and 9
- [TASK] Add dependency for additional_tca in order to reduce the maintenance overhead
- [TASK] Preparation for TYPO3 11
2022-04-29 Release of version 2.2.5
- [TASK] Move extension icon into public folder
- [BUGFIX] Fix jQuery usage
- [BUGFIX] Fix documentation configuration
- [TASK] Add documentations configuration
2021-09-07 Release of version 2.2.4
- [TASK] Extend cookie lifetime for poll participation's
- [TASK] Fix typo in a label
2021-07-27 Release of version 2.2.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix fetching poll result - ignore all deleted records
2021-07-21 Release of version 2.2.2
- [BUGFIX] Update TCA configuration for starttime and endtime
2021-07-09 Release of version 2.2.1
- [BUGFIX] Add missing database definition for sorting
2021-07-04 Release of version 2.2.0
- [TASK] Refactoring of the saving logic
- [FEATURE] Add optional-checkbox in all question types
- [TASK] Add pre-selected answer for SingleWithOptionalUserAnswer
- [TASK] Optimize backend title for questions
- [TASK] Add additional documentation for plugins
2021-06-30 Release of version 2.1.1
- [TASK] Add missing EN translations.
2021-06-29 Release of version 2.1.0
- [!!!] This version changes the database structure.
- [FEATURE] Make poll records sortable and add sorting option to list plugin (manual sorting, crdate or title)
2021-06-25 Release of version 2.0.9
- [TASK] Enable default answer text for SingleUserAnswer
2021-05-21 Release of version 2.0.8
- [BUGFIX] Fix links in documentation
- [TASK] TCA clean up - remove unused sorting configuration
2021-05-15 Release of version 2.0.7
- [TASK] Add extension key in composer.json
- [TASK] TS config clean up
- [TASK] Add documentation notice about user answers
2020-10-08 Release of version 2.0.6
- [BUGFIX] Frontend user check from all PIDs
- [TASK] Plugin translations
- [BUGFIX] Frontend user check
2020-09-04 Release of version 2.0.5
- [TASK] Added description text to answer description rte
- [TASK] Optimize extension description for better visibility in TER
2020-08-27 Release of version 2.0.4
- [BUGFIX] Remove unimplemented combinations of question type and layout
2020-07-20 Release of version 2.0.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix message translations in Poll controller
- [TASK] Add links to bottom of readme files
2020-07-06 Release of version 2.0.2
- [TASK] Add documentation translations
- [TASK] Add required namespace for Extbase annotation in domain model
2020-06-24 Release of version 2.0.1
- [TASK] Update documentation
- [TASK] Update extension description
2020-06-24 Release of version 2.0.0
- [BUGFIX] Fix a bug where answers weren't saved correctly
- [TASK] Add language label translations
- [TASK] Poll result refactoring
- [TASK] Migrate field anonym to without_poll_ticket
- [TASK] Poll teaser refactoring
- [TASK] Clean up TCA and Models
- [TASK] Clean up constants.typoscript file and add labels
- [TASK] Add Pagetree icon and new content element wizards see #1 and #2
- [TASK] Refactoring of ext_tables.php
- [TASK] Preparations for version 2.0.0
- [TASK] Remove Debug service
- [TASK] Remove inject annotations and migration lazy annotations
2019-10-13 Release of version 1.2.0
- [TASK] Add Gitlab-CI configuration.
2017-11-14 Release of version 1.1.0
- [BUGFIX] Fixing a poll relation issue. Removing poll_ticket from poll.
- [FEATURE] Adding frontend admin reset poll feature
- [TASK] FlashMessage 8.7 Migration
- [BUGFIX] Fixing a poll saving bug - reset the save service after each iteration
- [TASK] Add a finish flag in poll ticket that indicates that a poll ticket has been finished
Poll-Pro Change-Log
2024-09-02 Release of version 3.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix translation keys for poll tickets in backend module
2024-03-26 Release of version 3.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Migrate backend translations and update list filter
2024-03-12 Release of version 3.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix divider2tabs if there are multiple question on different tabs
2024-03-01 Release of version 3.1.0
- [BREAKING] Refactoring of the divider2tabs feature; JS initialization and related Fluid template chas changed
- [BUGFIX] Fix backend module authorization in TYPO3 12
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
- [TASK] Migrate controller modulePrefix initialization in backend module to TYPO3 12
2023-11-01 Release of version 3.0.6
- [TASK] Add documentation about provided features
2023-10-10 Release of version 3.0.5
- [BUGFIX] Move modules dependency into base extension
- [BUGFIX] Clean up backend module icon
2023-10-04 Release of version 3.0.4
- [BUGFIX] Add missing template path definition for backend modules
2023-09-21 Release of version 3.0.3
- [BUGFIX] Add enableNamespacedArgumentsForBackend feature for fixing return links in backend
2023-09-04 Release of version 3.0.2
- [TASK] Add missing translations
2023-08-16 Release of version 3.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix languageService initialization in task
2023-08-15 Release of version 3.0.0
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
2023-04-28 Release of version 2.1.0
- [FEATURE] Scheduled CSV exports of selected polls and Dividers To Tabs
- [TASK] Add header and footer to Backenmodule
- [TASK] Generate and insert Constants documentation file
2022-10-25 Release of version 2.0.1
- [TASK] Optimize and extend documentation
- [TASK] Correct dependency information in composer.json about older compatibilities
2022-06-04 Release of version 2.0.0
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11
- [TASK] Add documentation base configuration and fix code style
- [TASK] Preparation for TYPO3 11
2021-07-04 Release of version 1.1.0
- [TASK] Add a fallback for CSV header titles in export file
- [FEATURE] Add optional-checkbox in all question types
- [BUGFIX] Fix translation in backend module button
2020-09-04 Release of version 1.0.2
- [BUGFIX] Participant can enter own answer for question types with optional user answer
2020-08-27 Release of version 1.0.1
- [BUGFIX] Remove unimplemented combinations of question type and layout
2020-06-24 Release of version 1.0.0
- [FEATURE] User answers: user can give own answers in a text input field
- [FEATURE] Backend module for managing polls and results
- [FEATURE] Reset polls
- [FEATURE] Export results as CSV