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A character of my font isn't displayed well in PDF (for example the €-character) - what to do?

First create a character dump of the string, in order to identify which characters are used:

<fpdf:debug.stringCharacterDump string="1.20 €" />

The result should look like this:

1 : 49
. : 46
2 : 50
0 : 48
 : 32
? : 63
 : 0

Now you know, your €-character is placed by the character with ASCII-No. 63.

In the next step, you perform a font dump with the font you want to use:

<fpdf:debug.fontDump />

I our example, the character on number 63 is displayed as ? - that's not what we expect. Take a closer look on your font dump and search for the €-character. We found it on ASCII-No. 162.

TYPO3 Fluid-FPDF Erweiterung


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