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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

A character of my font isn't displayed well in PDF (for example the €-character) - what to do?

First create a character dump of the string, in order to identify which characters are used:

<fpdf:debug.stringCharacterDump string="1.20 €" />

The result should look like this:

1 : 49
. : 46
2 : 50
0 : 48
 : 32
? : 63
 : 0

Now you know, your €-character is placed by the character with ASCII-No. 63.

In the next step, you perform a font dump with the font you want to use:

<fpdf:debug.fontDump />

I our example, the character on number 63 is displayed as ? - that's not what we expect. Take a closer look on your font dump and search for the €-character. We found it on ASCII-No. 162.

TYPO3 Fluid-FPDF Extension


This extension provides you a complete set of ViewHelpers for dealing with FPDF by using Fluid. You can use the ViewHelpers easily in own Extensions just by defining the fpdf-Namespace. Additionally you're able to use the build in plugin, for displaying predefined PDF. This plugin offers you automatically all available PDFs.


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