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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Modifying advent calendar language (translation) labels

The advent calendar language labels can be changed in the usual way in Setup TypoScript:

  1. Open your TypoScriptroot template and go to the Setup area.
  2. Overwrite language labels using the following syntax:
    plugin {
      tx_adventskalender {
        _LOCAL_LANG {
          # Hier sollten alle label aus dem Adventskalender bzw. deren Türchen kommen
      tx_adventskalenderpro {
        _LOCAL_LANG {
          default {
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_terms = Terms label in default language
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_privacy = Privacy policy label in default language
            tx_adventskalender_label.newsletter_subscription = Newsletter subscription label in default language
          de {
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_terms = Terms label in german language
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_privacy = Privacy policy label in german language
            tx_adventskalender_label.newsletter_subscription = Newsletter subscription label in german language
          en {
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_terms = Terms label in english language
            tx_adventskalender_label.accept_privacy = Privacy policy label in english language
            tx_adventskalender_label.newsletter_subscription = Newsletter subscription label in english language
  3. After making the changes save the root template and empty the TYPO3 system cache - otherwise your changes will not be visible.


If you do not know exactly which key you need to override, just look in the translation files in the Resources/Private/Language/ directory of the extension. Here you can find all the language labels with their initial values.

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