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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Contact form

If you're using the PRO-Version of TYPO3-AMP you can add a contact form to the AMP page.

  • Install the PRO-Version of TYPO3-AMP
  • Include the static template AMP - 4. PRO: Form
  • Make sure your website runs under https (http will not work).

You need to activate the required AMP Libraries:

plugin.tx_amp {
    settings {
        amp {
            libraries {
                form = 1
                mustache = 1

Finally, you need to configure the form:

plugin.tx_amp {
    settings {
        amp {
            forms {
                contact {
                    key = contact
                    enabled = 1
                    headline = Kontakt aufnehmen
                    messages {
                        success = Anfrage wurde erfolgreich versandt. Wir werden uns in Kürze mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.
                    fields {
                        canonical {
                            type = Hidden
                            section = ValueFromTypoScript
                            required = 0
                            value = lib.amp.canonicalUrl
                            # Label for E-Mailmessage
                            label = Article
                        article {
                            type = Hidden
                            section = ValueFromTypoScript
                            required = 0
                            value = lib.amp.url
                            # Label for E-Mailmessage
                            label = Article
                            ignoreInEmail = 1
                        company {
                            label = Firma
                            placeholder = Mustermann GmbH
                            type = Input
                            section = Default
                            required = 0
                            value =
                        name {
                            label = Name
                            placeholder = Name
                            type = Input
                            section = Default
                            required = 1
                            validation {
                                NotEmpty = Bitte geben Sie Ihren Namen ein
                            value =
                        email {
                            label = E-Mail
                            placeholder = E-Mailadresse
                            type = Email
                            section = Default
                            required = 1
                            validation {
                                NotEmpty = Bitte geben Sie Ihre E-Mailadresse ein
                                Email = Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mailadresse ein
                            value =
                        phone {
                            label = Telefon
                            placeholder = Telefon
                            type = Input
                            section = Default
                            value =
                        message {
                            label = Nachricht
                            placeholder = Ihr Anliegen
                            type = Textarea
                            section = Default
                            required = 1
                            validation {
                                NotEmpty = Bitte geben Sie eine Nachricht ein
                            value =
                        submit {
                            label =
                            value = Anliegen abschicken
                            type = Submit
                            section = Default
                            ignoreInEmail = 1
                    # Finisher
                    finisher {
                        mail {
                            # Class/Object
                            type = Mail
                            active = 1
                            subject = TYPO3-AMP: Kontaktanfrage
                            message {
                                header.0 = Dear admin,
                                header.1 = this is a contact request.
                                header.2 =
                                header.3 = Fields:

                                footer.0 = ---
                                footer.1 = Thanks for you attention
                            from {
                                name = Website which is using TYPO3-AMP
                                email = mail(at)domain(dot)com
                            to {
                                0 {
                                    name = TYPO3-AMP Form (TO)
                                    email = mail(at)domain(dot)com
                                #1 {
                                #   name = TYPO3-AMP Form (TO-2)
                                #   email = mail(at)domain(dot)com
                            cc {
                                #0 {
                                #   name = TYPO3-AMP Form (CC)
                                #   email = mail(at)domain(dot)com
                            bcc {
                                #0 {
                                #   name = TYPO3-AMP Form (BCC)
                                #   email = mail(at)domain(dot)com

Contact request

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