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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


JavaScript Events

The vehicle search extension provides the following JavaScript events for configuring behavior.

  • fahrzeugsuche.after_refresh_data Event which is triggered when the vehicle data is updated.
  • fahrzeugsuche.after_list_initialization Event which is triggered when the vehicle list is initialized.
  • fahrzeugsuche.after_show_detail Event which is triggered when vehicle details are shown.
  • fahrzeugsuche.after_initialization Event which is triggered when the initialization is finished.
  • fahrzeugsuche.set_bookmark_count Event which is triggered when the vehicle count on bookmarks changed.
  • fahrzeugsuche.set_list_count Event which is triggered when the vehicle count on list changed.


jQuery(function() {
  jQuery(window).on('fahrzeugsuche.after_list_initialization', function() {
    fahrzeugsuche.list.limit = 50;

This example sets the list limit on initialization to 50 vehicles per page.

Next example publishes the current amount of reminded bookmarks:

jQuery(function() {
  jQuery(window).on('fahrzeugsuche.set_bookmarks_count', function(event, count) {
    jQuery('.side-links .number').text(count);

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