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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


The Firebase extension extends the news records by the following new fields:

  • Activate Firebase push: This checkbox enables the push feature. If you've created a new news entry and you want to push a notification to your users, just activate the checkbox. When the Firebase Scheduler gets executed, it finds the marked news record and pushes the notification.
  • Were already push to Firebase at: This field contains the date/time, when the notification was pushed to Firebase. If it's empty, the Scheduler hasn't processed that news yet. The availability of this date/time informs the Firebase Scheduler about that the notification was already sent.
  • Push to Firebase connection: In this field you have to select the Firebase connection, where your notification has to been sent to. If you want to send your translated news to different speaking target groups, just select th respective Connection within the news translations.

If you have created a new record with activated Activate Firebase push checkbox and your Scheduler Task is properly configured, the Scheduler should push a new notification on next execution.

TYPO3 Firebase-Push Extension

TYPO3 Firebase Push

This extension enables you to push TYPO3 news notifications to Firebase. It supports handling for multi language News notifications by creating connections for each language.


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