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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Defining data tables

Defining a data table for the backend as a TYPO3-Extension-Developer can be done easily be using TypoScript.

Examples can be found in following extensions:

  • EXT:modules for Frontend- and Backend-User and groups
  • EXT:questions for FAQ-Questions and categories
  • EXT:glossaries for Glossary-Entries and categories


Be sure this TypoScript is defined by a ext_typoscript_setup.txt file, so that this definitions are always available!

module.tx_yourextensionkey {
    settings {
        lists {

            downloadFileCollection {
                # Id of the backend module list - just take the parent key
                id = internalNotes
                # table defines the database table name for the records of this list.
                table = sys_note
                # Module identifier
                module = web_InternalNotesInternalNotes
                # Plugin identifier
                plugin = InternalNotes
                # sortingField defines the field, which should be used as default sorting
                sortingField = subject
                # sortingOrder defines the default sorting order for the default sorting field
                sortingOrder = asc
                # The limit defines, how many record should be displayed on each page
                limit = 20
                # Show `Column selector` widget within list,
                # you can show/hide columns for table list using this widget
                columnSelector = 1
                # Define the default fields/columns of a list
                # these fields/columns will be displayed when the list is first initialized or the user reset his UC
                columnDefault = name, label, user
                # Fields/columns of the data table
                fields {
                    # Define the fields/columns of your table
                # Actions for each row of the data table
                actions {
                    # Define the actions for your table rows
            # Define more data tables in the same way
            aSecondTable {
                # ...

Define table fields

The field key is written lower-camel-case and represents the getter name of a Model property!

module.tx_yourextensionkey {
    settings {
        lists {
            tableIdentifier {
                fields {
                    title {
                        format = Plain
                        sortable = 1
                    email {
                        format = Email
                        sortable = 1
                    image {
                        format = Image
                    hex {
                        format = Color
                        sortable = 1
                    hidden {
                        format = Boolean
                        sortable = 1
                        # Requires following translations:
                        # tx_modules_label.boolean_true = yes
                        # tx_modules_label.boolean_false = no
                    description {
                        format = PlainEditable
                        sortable = 1
                        crop = 30
                    creationUser {
                        format = BackendUser/Username
                    creationDate {
                        format = DateTime
                        sortable = 1
                        sortingField = crdate
                        dateFormat = d.m.Y H:i

Possible native formats

  • sortable - Disable the sortable of this column, boolean represented by 0/1.
  • sortingField - Overrides the Database column-name for sorting, in case of it is divergent to the configuration key (see example of creationDate).
  • hideInExport - Disable the column in the CSV export, boolean represented by 0/1.
  • exportGetter - Defines the domain model getter name for the CSV export cell (without the leading get).
  • dateFormat - DateFormat is a PHP date format pattern.
  • crop - Crop is an integer value and crops the cell content after the defined amount of characters.

Define table actions

The table actions are defined in the actions node. In this node you are able to define the actions for each table row.

This could look like:

actions {
    # The action key is the identifier.
    # This key is used additionally for the translation key for the column title.
    edit {
        action = Edit
        # Translation keys
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_edit = Edit topic
    inactiveActive {
        action = InactiveActive
        # Invert the value (for example for hidden field usage)
        invertState = 0
        # Translation keys
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_inactive = Activate topic
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_active = Deactivate topic
    hideShow {
        action = HideShow
        # Translation keys
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_hide = Hide topic
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_show = Show topic
    disableEnable {
        action = DisableEnable
        # Translation keys
        # tx_modules_label.list_frontend_user_action_enable = Enable frontend user
        # tx_modules_label.list_frontend_user_action_disable = Disable frontend user
    delete {
        action = Delete
        # Data field of the record, where a label is store.
        # This label is used for the security question in the modal.
        subjectField = title
        # Translation keys
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_delete_title = Delete this topic?
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_delete_content = Are you sure you want to delete the topic '%1$s'?
        # tx_modules_label.list_topic_action_delete_cancel = Cancel


Defining translations for the data tables works like this:

module.tx_yourextensionkey {
        default {
            tx_downloadmanager_label.backend_filter = Filter
            tx_downloadmanager_label.backend_filter_submit = refresh

            # Message, if there are no records in the table
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_no_entries = No download file collections found

            # Table header title
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_header = Download file collection

            # Table header columns
            # Each identifier is build like:
            # tx_modules_label.list_ + list id underscored + _col_ + field key
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_col_title = Title
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_col_actions = Actions

            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_action_edit = Edit download file collection
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_action_hide = Hide download file collection
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_action_show = Show download file collection
        de {
            # German translation
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_no_entries = Es konnten keine Download-Datei-Dateisammlung gefunden werden
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_header = Download-Dateisammlung
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_col_title = Titel
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_col_actions = Aktionen
            tx_modules_label.list_download_file_collection_action_edit = Download-Dateisammlung bearbeiten

Using creation user, date or modifictaion date

When you want to use the creation user, date or modification date of a default TYPO3 record, you need to map the Extbase fields:

In TYPO3 9 or smaller in yourextensionkey/ext_typoscript_setup:

config.tx_extbase.persistence.classes {

    CodingMs\Newsletters\Domain\Model\Topic.mapping {
        tableName = tx_newsletters_domain_model_topic
        recordType =
        columns {
            crdate.mapOnProperty = creationDate
            tstamp.mapOnProperty = modificationDate
            cruser_id.mapOnProperty = creationUser


In TYPO3 10 or higher in yourextensionkey/Configuration/Extbase/Persistence/Classes.php:



return [
    \CodingMs\Questions\Domain\Model\Question::class => [
        'tableName' => 'tx_questions_domain_model_question',
        'properties' => [
            'creationDate' => [
                'fieldName' => 'crdate'
            'modificationDate' => [
                'fieldName' => 'tstamp'
            'creationUser' => [
                'fieldName' => 'cruser'

Additionally you need the respecting getter and setter in the related Extbase-Model.

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