Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.
Abbreviations in Parsedown-Extra for TYPO3
Parsedown-Extra enables you to define case-sensitive abbreviations. You can define abbreviations in the following two ways.
Defining in markdown file
If you like to define a new abbreviations only for a single file, you can use the following markdown:
*[TYPO3]: TYPO3 - Content Management System
Defining globally for all markdown renderings
If you need a abbreviations definition for all markdown renderings in your system, you can define them by using TypoScript. These TypoScript defined abbreviations are available in all parse processes of the Parsedown-Extra TYPO3-Extension. A definition for that looks like:
plugin.tx_parsedownextra {
settings {
abbreviations {
101 {
search = CSS
value = Cascading Style Sheet
102 {
search = HTML
value = Hyper Text Markup Language
103 {
search = JS
value = JavaScript
104 {
search = BCC
value = Blind carbon copy