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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


To install the poll extension:

  • Install the extension using the Extension Manager or with composer (composer req codingms / poll).

  • Open your main template and add a Poll entry under Includes → Include static.

  • Create a 'Poll' container in your TYPO3 page tree. This is the directory where you will create your polls and surveys. You can use the "List" module to create new poll data records. Try creating a poll now to try it out.

  • The extension will need to know about your "container page". Switch to the constant editor and enter the ID of the container page under "Poll" -> "Container for poll records".

  • Now create a page on your website for your survey. Add a View Poll plugin to the page and select the poll you just created. If you view the page the poll should now be displayed. If you activate "Show poll result in poll" in the plugin settings, the user will see the poll result before they take part in the survey.

  • Now define a final page for the survey. This is the page that the visitor is redirected to once they have successfully completed the survey. Simply create a subpage of your current survey page. Add a Show survey result plugin to this page and enter the ID of this page in the constant editor as before under "Poll result page".

  • You could also add a Show Survey Teaser plugin to your homepage (or other pages) to attract attention to your survey or add a Show survey list plugin so that your visitors can take part in older surveys.

Installation of PRO version

The PRO version requires the "modules" extension to be installed, which you can find in the TER or in our Git-Repository. For TYPO3 8 please use version 3.2, for TYPO3 9 version 4.0.

Just like the basic version, install the PRO version using Extension Manager or composer install (composer req codingms / poll-pro).

TYPO3 Poll Extension

TYPO3 Poll

Create polls/surveys/Umfragen in TYPO3. Multiple question types and answer layouts. There is also a PRO version available which adds custom user answers and more. (Umfrage, Poll, Opinion, Vote, SimplePoll)


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