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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.


Add the monitoring scheduler task and configure it by following these steps:

  • Select class "Execute console commands" and add the task schedulerMonitor:checkForFailedTasks.
  • Let it run as often as you want to check for failed tasks, e.g. every five minutes.
  • Set the email address (more than one email address can be provided comma-separated) and the email subject.
  • Set time after a task should be assumed as dead. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

Note: By default the scheduler removes the logged "executions" of tasks after 24 hours (setting in EXT:scheduler). After that the schedulermonitor will not find dead tasks anymore.

To send out test emails:

  • Select class "Execute console commands" and add the task schedulerMonitor:sendTestMail.
  • Let it run as often as you want to send out mails, e.g. once per day.
  • Set the receiver email address (only a single address).
TYPO3 Schedulermonitor Extension

TYPO3 Scheduler monitor

Monitors scheduler tasks and send an email if a task has failed or is running too long.


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