Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.
Install Slick-Modal for TYPO3
You simply have to install the Slick-Modal Extension for TYPO3 in Extension-Manager. Afterwards include the static Template _Slick-Modal (slickmodal) within your Root-Template.
As mentioned in the Slick-Modal Extension description, the Slick-Modal library is not contained in this extension. You have to provide it by your own - but no worry, that's easy. First you need to get the Slick-Modal library. If you haven't it yet, you can buy it here for less than $10. This library needs to be uploaded to your website. We create a directory like /fileadmin/Libraries/SlickModal/ and copy the hole files of the library into. Now you have to tell the Slick-Modal extension where this library files are located. This can be done by the two following TypoScript-Constants:
themes.configuration.javascript.libraries.slickModal.source = /fileadmin/Libraries/SlickModal/assets/js/jquery.slickmodal.min.js
themes.configuration.stylesheets.libraries.slickModal.source = /fileadmin/Libraries/SlickModal/assets/css/slickModal.min.css
Now you're able to use Slick-Modals.