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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Configure your own tracking objects

To configure your own tracking objects, you just need to add some setup-typoScript. The TypoScript definition consists of two parts which both go in the root template.

The first part is the type definition. The type definition tells the backend module that there is a new tracking object, eg. it registers the select box entry field.

As an example, the type definition for the Questions/FAQ extension looks as follows:

plugin.tx_viewstatistics.settings.types {
    # The following key must be equal
    # with the database table name
    # of object which we want to track
    tx_questions_domain_model_question {
        # The following label will be used for:
        # Select boxes, Table headers, and more
        label = Questions/FAQ
        # This field identifier refers to the
        # database field, the content of which
        # is used to display tracking rows
        # in the backend
        field = title
        # The repository setting points to a
        # Repository class (including namespace),
        # used to select data in the
        # backend module
        repository = CodingMs\Questions\Domain\Repository\QuestionRepository
        # Extension key of the tracking object.
        # If the tracking object is a part of the
        # TYPO3 core, just enter `core`.
        extensionKey = questions

The second part is the object definition. The object definition defines which request parameter creates the tracking information.

If we take a look at the query parameters in our example:


we can see the necessary parameter that contains the uid of the record we want to track - this is


The object definition of our Questions/FAQ extension then looks like this:

plugin.tx_viewstatistics.settings.objects {
    // First we have main variable of the parameter
    tx_questions_questions {
        // Next the array key of the parameter
        question {
            # The label is also used for:
            # Select boxes, Table header, and more
            label = Questions/FAQ
            # The table is the database table
            # which is related to the parameter uid
            table = tx_questions_domain_model_question
            # The title is the database field
            # name, from which the title is
            # read.
            title = title

Finally, ensure that the new configuration is also available in the backend module:

module.tx_viewstatistics < plugin.tx_viewstatistics

There are some more configuration examples that you can look at in ext_typoscript_setup.txt in the root path of the view_statistics extension.

TYPO3 View-Statistics Extension

TYPO3 View-Statistics

This extension inserts statistics records on each page. It doesn't use any cookies!


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