Available versions
Available settings
Included plugins
Implemented PHP classes
Number of translation
Implemented View-Helper
TYPO3 Portfolios
This extension provides categorised portfolios for a website. It displays a collection of references or working examples which can be categorised and tagged. The PRO version offers a list view with a complex multi-filter using Isotope, a Backend module, a PDF generator and many more.
Key Features
Basic | Basic + Pro | |
Displaying of portfolios/references/working examples | ||
Categories, tags ans tag-categories available | ||
Optimized for better search engine ranking | ||
Displaying of related portfolios/references | ||
Flexible list and detail view | ||
Teaser views possible | ||
Adding of many images and downloads in portfolio/reference possible | ||
Back and forward buttons in detail view, for a quick navigation to the next portfolio/references | ||
Radial search for finding portfolios/references close to the user | ||
List view with complex multi-filter by using Isotope feature | ||
PDF generator for generating portfolio/reference PDFs | ||
Backend module for comfortable record management | ||
Bookmarks feature for portfolios/references | ||
Dynamic Bookmarks PDF generation of all bookmarked portfolios/references | ||
Cover page and table of contents in bookmark PDF possible | ||
€ 0,00 ex. VAT | € 400,00 ex. VAT |
Change Log
Portfolios for TYPO3 Change-Log
2023-12-21 Release of version 4.1.6
- [BUGFIX] Fix undefined method getMetaKeywords
2023-12-21 Release of version 4.1.5
- [BUGFIX] Fix image domain model getter and insert more traits
- [TASK] Optimize version conditions in PHP code
- [BUGFIX] Fix code style
- [BUGFIX] Remove premium tag from basic extension
2023-11-07 Release of version 4.1.4
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 support
2023-11-01 Release of version 4.1.3
- [TASK] Clean up documentation
2023-10-25 Release of version 4.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix get content object for TYPO3 11
2023-10-16 Release of version 4.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix request TypoScript condition with additional object check
2023-10-04 Release of version 4.1.0
- [TASK] Migrate TCA for TYPO3 11 and 12 and optimize TypoScript constants groups
- [FEATURE] Add functions for backend module lists, see #9
- [TASK] Migrate HTTP header for AJAX calls
2023-09-06 Release of version 4.0.0
- [TASK] Add TypoScript constants, see #11
- [TASK] Refactor controller actions
- [BUGFIX] Fix ajax methods for JsonApiController
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 12 migration
- [TASK] Create TypoScript constants documentation, see #6
2023-03-29 Release of version 3.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix accessing undefined array keys in PHP 8+
- [TASK] CSH language files migration
- [TASK] Add TCA migrations
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing icons in TCA definitions
- [BUGFIX] Migrate TypoScript conditions in tsconfig
2022-08-18 Release of version 3.1.0
- [FEATURE] Menu processor
- [TASK] Remove old plugin definition
- [TASK] Optimize TypoScript conditions
2022-04-23 Release of version 3.0.0
- [TASK] Optimize code style
- [TASK] Optimize and normalize documentation and configuration
- [TASK] Remove objectmanager usages
- [TASK] Add german translation files
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [TASK] Preparation for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [BUGFIX] Fix relatedPortfoliosLimit condition in Fluid template
- [BUGFIX] Fix documentation configuration
- [TASK] Add documentations configuration
- [TASK] Add sitemap xml documentation
- [BUGFIX] Fix translations in bookmarks plugin flexform
2021-04-30 Release of version 2.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix extension key in composer.json
2021-04-26 Release of version 2.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix sorting of Portfolios by sorting field
- [BUGFIX] Fix white space in getDescriptionForPdf method
- [BUGFIX] Fix Tag filter for multi-select queries
- [BUGFIX] Fix page uid for detail page in portfolio items
2020-11-10 Release of version 2.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Fix a tag/tag category loading issue in categorized tag filter
- [TASK] Switch Isotope filter request to post method
- [TASK] Add validation for list configuration in order to avoid invalid settings
- [BUGFIX] Fix tag and category single selection - using integer uids only!
- [TASK] Clean up documentation files
2020-11-04 Release of version 2.1.0
- [FEATURE] Add slug field in Portfolio record
2020-10-28 Release of version 2.0.0
- [FEATURE] Add image in tag record
- [BUGFIX] Fix backend module filtering
- [TASK] Migrate domain model mapping for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Optimize error handling if static template is missed
- [FEATURE] Insert Meta and OG tags in detail view
- [TASK] Remove Realurl hook
- [TASK] Remove usage of $_EXTKEY
- [TASK] Migration usage of $TCA
- [TASK] Remove inject annotations
- [TASK] Remove DebugService
- [TASK] Remove BackendLoginExists ViewHelper, because such a ViewHelper is now provided by TYPO3 core
- [TASK] Remove MetaTag and TitleTag ViewHelper
- [TASK] Migrate annotations for TYPO3 9-10
2019-10-13 Release of version 1.4.0
- [TASK] Add Gitlab-CI configuration.
- [TASK] Remove DEV identifier.
- [FEATURE] Add reset/all button feature for isotope usage.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing filtering by a single category select box.
- [TASK] Adding icon factory icons.
- [TASK] Cleaning up page TypoScript.
- [TASK] Extending debugging information.
- [TASK] Portfolios images script processes active classes for arrow buttons.
- [TASK] Adding attribute 7 and 8.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing th initial selected category and tag in plugin.
- [FEATURE] Adding a query type TypoScript setting, which switches between different query types (AND/OR concatenations).
- [FEATURE] Adding a new sorting option for attribute 3.
- [FEATURE] Adding a new query type 3, which sorts the tags by using the tag category.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing multiple filter AJAX requests, which ends up in a time race.
- [TASK] Insert jQuery event for Isotope initialization.
- [BUGFIX] Disabling caching the detail view, because of the next/previous buttons.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing file translations in Portfolios-Object.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing sorting issue in portfolios repository.
- [TASK] Ignore chash in this extension.
- [TASK] Adding title for link tags.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing session issue in single view.
2018-01-23 Release of version 1.3.0
- [FEATURE] Adding setting for selecting the sorting of Tags, Categories and TagCategories.
- [FEATURE] Passing FlexForm-Sorting into Repository method.
- [TASK] Optimizing debugging logic and setting.
2018-01-12 Release of version 1.2.1
- [BUGFIX] Fixing fetch translated portfolios.
2017-11-16 Release of version 1.2.0
- [FEATURE] Adding an InArray-ViewHelper
- [FEATURE] Adding logic for receiving multiple categories by parameter
- [FEATURE] Adding attribute 6 on Portfolios model for tackling with custom attributes
- [BUGFIX] Changing Portfolio model query from logicalAnd to logicalOr
- [FEATURE] Passing search field values by TypoScript
- [FEATURE] Extending JSON-API so that the search word is reminded too
- [FEATURE] Adding a preparation of a radial search for portfolios
2017-11-16 Release of version 1.1.0
- [FEATURE] Adding a highlight flag for portfolios
- [FEATURE] Adding a files/downloads for portfolios
- [FEATURE] Adding a field for MarkDown text
- [TASK] Removing exclude fields from TCA and FlexForm
- [TASK] Adding some Page-TypoScript for configuring the backend
- [BUGFIX] Adding getter and setter in Tag model
- [FEATURE] Image assignment in reference tag
- [TASK] Modifying constants for Themes compatibility
- [BUGFIX] Related references should not show the shown reference
- [BUGFIX] Fixing validation of the selected category
- [TASK] Modify ViewHelper namespace
- [BUGFIX] Check in Reference Model if finishing date is DateTime
- [TASK] Integrate a new content element wizard
- [TASK] Extend constants with translations and constants groups
Portfolios-Pro Change-Log
2023-11-07 Release of version 4.1.3
- [BUGFIX] Fix PHP 7.4 support
2023-10-31 Release of version 4.1.2
- [BUGFIX] Fix get content object for TYPO3 11
2023-10-16 Release of version 4.1.1
- [BUGFIX] Clean up backend module icon
2023-10-04 Release of version 4.1.0
- [TASK] Insert modules header and footer in backend module
- [TASK] Enable namespaced backend arguments to correct module returnurls
- [FEATURE] Create backend modules for tags, categories and tag categories, see #9
- [TASK] Combine backend portolios and seo lists, see #10
2023-09-06 Release of version 4.0.0
- [TASK] Remove separate markdown editing view in backend module
- [TASK] Refactor controller actions
- [TASK] Add missing translations
- [TASK] Migrate to TYPO3 12 and remove support for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Preparations for TYPO3 12 migration
- [TASK] Optimize and normalize documentation and configuration and TCA
2022-04-23 Release of version 3.0.0
- [TASK] Optimize and normalize documentation and configuration
- [TASK] Optimize code style
- [TASK] Migration for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [TASK] Preparation for TYPO3 11 and PHP 8
- [BUGFIX] Fix translations in bookmarks plugin flexform
- [BUGFIX] Update support row in bookmarks plugin
- [TASK] Add extension key in composer.json
2020-10-28 Release of version 2.0.0
- [TASK] Backend module migration for TYPO3 10
- [TASK] Remove usage of $_EXTKEY
- [TASK] Migration usage of $TCA
- [TASK] Remove inject annotations
2019-10-13 Release of version 1.2.1
- [TASK] Add Gitlab-CI configuration.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing Markdown editor layout in backend.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing Flexform selection identifier.
2018-01-23 Release of version 1.2.0
- [TASK] Optimizing default PDF templates.
- [TASK] Optimizing TypoScript loading strategy.
- [FEATURE] Integrating new sorting repository methods.
2018-01-12 Release of version 1.1.0
- [BUGFIX] Fixing fetch translated portfolios.