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Eine Liste mit Datensätzen anlegen

In dieser Anleitung wollen wir als TYPO3-Erweiterungs-Entwickler ein Frontend-Management für Immobilien in einer Erweiterung integrieren. Unsere Eckdaten sind dabei:

  • Extension-Key: openimmo
  • Objekt-Name: Immobilie

Datensatz-Liste erstellen

Für eine Datensatz-Liste benötigst Du Setup-TypoScript Konfiguration, welche wie folgt aussehen kann:


plugin.tx_openimmopro.settings.lists.immobilie {
    # Default sorting of the list
    sortingField = objektnr_extern
    sortingOrder = desc
    # Limit for items used by the pagination
    limit = 20
    # Max items of this object - 0 means no limit
    # If the amount of items is reached, the creation button will be hidden
    # and it's no longer possible to create more items!
    maxItems = 0
    # Messages in list handling
    messages {
        info {
            # Displayed when no objects/entries are available
            noEntries = No objects found
            # Information message when max items are configured
            amountOfEntries = %1$d of %2$d objects created
        success {
            # Title for all success messages
            title = Success
            objectActivated = Object is now activated!
            objectDeactivated = Object is now deactivated!
            objectDeleted = Object is now deleted!
        error {
            # Title for all error messages
            title = Error
            # Error message when max items are reached
            maxItemsReached = Your maximum amount of objects reached!
    # Configuration of the header
    header {
        # Headline above the list
        title = Objects
        # Additional action buttons above the list
        actions {
            # Each action button gets a unique key
            create {
                # Label of the action button
                label = Create
                # Title on mouse over
                title = Create a new objects
                # Action, which is called on the related FrontendController
                action = Create
                # Icon identifier
                iconIdentifier = actions-document-new
    # Configuration of the list columns
    # Each configuration node represents a column
    fields {
        # The node key corresponds with a getter of the display object (DB field)
        objekttitel {
            label = Title
            format = Plain
            sortable = 1
        objektnrExtern {
            label = Objectno. (external)
            format = Plain
            sortable = 1
    actions {
        edit {
            label =
            title = Edit this object
            action = Edit
            iconIdentifier = actions-document-open
        show {
            label =
            title = Show this object in frontend
            action = Show
            controller = Bookings
            pageUid = {$themes.configuration.pages.bookings.details}
            extensionName = bookings
            pluginName = BookingObject
            parameter = bookingObject
            iconIdentifier = actions-document-view
        hidden {
            # Model muss hidden property/getter/setter haben
            # Des Weiteren TCA entry
            action = Hidden
            label {
                hide =
                show =
            title {
                hide = Deactivate object
                show = Activate object
            iconIdentifier {
                hide = actions-edit-hide
                show = actions-edit-unhide
        delete {
            # Model muss deleted property/getter/setter haben
            label =
            title = Delete this object
            action = Delete
            iconIdentifier = actions-delete
            confirmation = Really delete this object?!

Die zugehörige listAction, welche die Liste verarbeitet sieht wie folgt aus:

class ImmobilieController extends FrontendBaseController

     * action list
     * @return void
     * @throws NoSuchArgumentException
     * @throws StopActionException
    public function listAction()
        if($this->request->hasArgument('sortingField')) {
            $this->list['sortingField'] = trim($this->request->getArgument('sortingField'));
        if($this->request->hasArgument('sortingOrder')) {
            $sortingOrder = trim($this->request->getArgument('sortingOrder'));
            $this->list['sortingOrder'] = ($sortingOrder === 'desc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
        if($this->request->hasArgument('offset')) {
            $this->list['offset'] = (int)$this->request->getArgument('offset');
        if($this->request->hasArgument('limit')) {
            $this->list['limit'] = (int)$this->request->getArgument('limit');
        $this->list['pid'] = $this->pageUid;
        $immobilies = $this->objectRepository->findAllForFrontendList($this->list);
        $this->list['countAll'] = $this->objectRepository->findAllForFrontendList($this->list, true);
        $this->view->assign('list', $this->list);
        $this->view->assign('immobilies', $immobilies);
        $this->view->assign('frontendUser', $this->frontendUser);


In dieser Action werden die Sortierungs- und Paginations-Parameter verarbeitet und dann das Ergebnis abgerufen. Für die Ausgabe im Frontend benötigst Du dann noch das folgende Fluid-Template:


<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en"
    <f:layout name="Frontend"/>
    <f:section name="Main">

        <f:flashMessages />
        <f:render partial="Table/Table" arguments="{list: list, data: immobilies}" />


Nach diesem Schritt sollte Deine Liste bereits funktionieren.

Integration einer Vorschau für deaktivierte Datensätze

Um eine Vorschau für deaktivierte Datensätze bereitzustellen benötigst du eine spezielle showAction wie bspw.:

public function showAction(): void
    $address = null;
    $addressUid = 0;
    if ($this->request->hasArgument('address')) {
        $addressUid = (int)$this->request->getArgument('address');
        if ($addressUid > 0) {
            $address = $this->addressRepository->findByIdentifier($addressUid);
    if (!($address instanceof Address)) {
        // If object not found, check if it's a preview object by a logged-in user!
        /** @var Context $context */
        $context = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Context::class);
        if ($context->getPropertyFromAspect('frontend.user', 'isLoggedIn')) {
            /** @var UserAspect $frontendUserAspect */
            $frontendUserAspect = $context->getAspect('frontend.user');
            $address = $this->addressRepository->findByIdentifierFrontend($addressUid, $frontendUserAspect->get('id'));
            if ($address instanceof Address) {
                    LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.warning_address_object_is_deactivated', 'AddressManager'),
                    LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.warning_headline', 'AddressManager'),
    if ($address instanceof Address) {
        $this->getMetaInformation($address, $this->settings['siteName']);
        $this->view->assign('address', $address);
    } else {
            LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.error_address_object_not_found', 'AddressManager'),
            LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_addressmanager_message.error_headline', 'AddressManager'),

Die Übersetzungen könnten wie folgt aussehen:

<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.warning_address_object_is_deactivated">
    <source>This address object is deactivated.</source>
    <target>Dieses Adressobjekt ist deaktiviert.</target>
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.error_address_object_not_found">
    <source>Address object not found.</source>
    <target>Adressobjekt konnte nicht gefunden werden.</target>
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.warning_headline">
<trans-unit id="tx_addressmanager_message.error_headline">


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