Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.
Phone field
This field can be used for phone values.
Definition (default with DE phone code)
$table = 'tx_crm_domain_model_activityunit';
$lll = 'LLL:EXT:crm/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:' . $table;
return [
'columns' => [
'phone' => [
'label' => $lll . '.phone',
'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('phone'),
Definition (with UK phone code)
$table = 'tx_crm_domain_model_activityunit';
$lll = 'LLL:EXT:crm/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:' . $table;
return [
'columns' => [
'phone' => [
'label' => $lll . '.phone',
'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('phone', false, false, '', [
'country' => 'UK'
Migration tips
To update a phone number field (e.g. (0123) 456 789) to format '+49123456789':
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = REPLACE(phone, '(', '');
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = REPLACE(phone, ')', '');
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = REPLACE(phone, ' ', '');
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = REPLACE(phone, '-', '');
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = REPLACE(phone, '/', '');
UPDATE tx_crm_domain_model_contact SET phone = CONCAT(REPLACE(LEFT(phone, 1), '0', '+49'),SUBSTRING(phone, 2)) WHERE phone LIKE '0%';