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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Using field configuration

An example record can be created as an admin user on the root page in the TYPO3 backend.

$extKey = 'shop';
$table = 'tx_shop_domain_model_product';
$lll = 'LLL:EXT:' . $extKey . '/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:' . $table;
return [
   'columns' => [
        // Each field can have an options.default to set the default value
        'slug' => [
            // field: ... -> Database field for auto generate the slug
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('slug', false, false, '', [
                'field' => 'answer'
        'rte' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('rte'),
            'defaultExtras' => 'richtext:rte_transform[flag=rte_enabled]',
        'rte' => [
            // Set another RTE configuration
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('rte', false, false, '', ['configuration' => 'light']),
            'defaultExtras' => 'richtext:rte_transform[flag=rte_enabled]',
        'textareaSmall' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('textareaSmall'),
        'textareaLarge' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('textareaLarge'),
        'markdown' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('markdown'),
            'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font:enable-tab',
        'html' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('html'),
            'defaultExtras' => 'fixed-font:enable-tab',
        'int' => [
            // lower:, upper: enter range for integer, set both or none (not just one)
            // without these -> user can enter any integer
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('int', false, false, '', [
                'lower' => 1,
                'upper' => 50
        'coordinate' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('coordinate'),
        'currency' => [
            // dbType: float -> Database field is a float number
            // without dbType -> Database field is an integer number
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('currency', false, false, '', [
                'dbType' => 'float'
        'percent' => [
            // dbType: float -> Database field is a float number
            // without dbType -> Database field is an integer number
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('percent', false, false, '', [
                'dbType' => 'float'
        'weight' => [
            // dbType: float -> Database field is a float number
            // without dbType -> Database field is an integer number
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('weight', false, false, '', [
                'dbType' => 'float'
        'string' => [
            // options.default -> Default value
            // options.size -> Visual length of the field
            // options.maxLength -> Maximal characters in field
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('string'),
        'email' => [
            // Uses a client-side email validation as well!
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('email'),
        'color' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('color'),
        'checkbox' => [
            // Checkbox label can be assigned as LLL as well
            // For example:
            // get('checkbox', false, false, $lll . '.in_stock_label')
            // get('checkbox', false, false, 'LLL:EXT:locallang.xlf:in_stock_label')
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('checkbox', false, false, 'Checkbox label'),
        'link' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get(
                $lll . '.canonical_link',
                // Before TYPO3 12
                    'title' => $lll . '.canonical_link',
                    // Possible values: class, params, target and title
                    'blindLinkFields' => 'class,target,title',
                    // Possible values: file, folder, mail, page, spec, telephone and url
                    'blindLinkOptions' => 'mail,folder,file,telephone,shop_product,url,news_news'
                // Since TYPO3 12
                    'browserTitle' => $lll . '.canonical_link',
                    // Possible values: class, params, target and title
                    'allowedOptions' => 'class,target,title',
                    // Possible values: file, folder, mail, page, spec, telephone and url
                    'allowedTypes' => 'mail,folder,file,telephone,shop_product,url,news_news'
        'date' => [
            // dbType: timestamp -> Database field is an integer for timestamps
            // dbType: date -> Database field is a date string
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('date', false, false, '', [
                'dbType' => 'timestamp'
        'dateWithToolbar' => [
            // toolbar: true -> Enables the +/- buttons for increasing/decreasing the date
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('date', true, false, '', [
                'toolbar' => true
        'dateTime' => [
            // dbType: timestamp -> Database field is an integer for timestamps
            // dbType: datetime -> Database field is a date string
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('dateTime', false, false, '', [
                'dbType' => 'timestamp'
        'dateTimeWithToolbar' => [
            // toolbar: true -> Enables the +/- buttons for increasing/decreasing the time
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('dateTime', true, false, '', [
                'toolbar' => true,
                'step' => 15,
        'duration' => [
            // Field for durations/time like: 12:15h
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('duration'),
        'select' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('select', true, false, '', [
                [$lll . '.template_default', 'Default'],
                [$lll . '.template_with_single_view', 'WithSingleView'],
        'fileSingle' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('fileSingle', false, false, '', [
                'field' => 'fileSingle'
        'fileCollectionSingleInline' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('fileCollectionSingleInline'),
        'imageSingleAltTitle' => [
            // field: ... -> Database field for foreign_match_fields.fieldname
            // table: ... -> Database field for foreign_match_fields.tablenames
            // fileTypes: Defines the allowed file types (default: png,jpg,jpeg)
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('imageSingleAltTitle', false, false, '', [
                'field' => 'image',
                'table' => 'tx_openimmo_domain_model_anhang',
                'fileTypes' => 'png,jpg,jpeg,svg'
        'imageSingleTitleDescription' => [
            // field: ... -> Database field for foreign_match_fields.fieldname
            // table: ... -> Database field for foreign_match_fields.tablenames
            // fileTypes: Defines the allowed file types (default: png,jpg,jpeg)
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('imageSingleTitleDescription', false, false, '', [
                'field' => 'image',
                'table' => 'tx_openimmo_domain_model_anhang',
                'fileTypes' => 'png,jpg,jpeg,svg'
        'images' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('images', false, false, '', ['field' => 'image']),
        'frontendUserSingle' => [
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('frontendUserSingle'),
        // Notices/Information
        // As simple text, without headline, with LLL value
        'additional_field_description' => [
            'exclude' => 0,
            'label' => '',
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('notice', false, false, '', [
                'notice' => $lll . '.notice_lll_text',
        // An error text, the 'display' is the bootstrap alert-class
        // display can be: danger, warning, info, success, code
        'important_message' => [
            'exclude' => 0,
            'label' => '',
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('notice', false, false, '', [
                'notice' => 'This is a simple text notice',
                'display' => 'danger',
        'badge_suggested' => [
            // An input field, which show badges belo the field.
            // These badges are values which are used in other records in this field.
            'config' => \CodingMs\AdditionalTca\Tca\Configuration::get('badgeSuggested', false, false, ''),

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