Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.
TypoScript constant settings
Constant | themes.configuration.siteName |
Label | Site name |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value |
Portfolio Container
Constant | themes.configuration.container.portfolios |
Label | Container for Portfolio records |
Description | |
Type | int+ |
Default value |
Portfolio Pages
Constant | themes.configuration.pages.portfolios.list |
Label | Portfolio list page |
Description | |
Type | int+ |
Default value |
Constant | themes.configuration.pages.portfolios.detail |
Label | Portfolio detail page |
Description | |
Type | int+ |
Default value |
Constant | themes.configuration.pages.portfolios.bookmarks |
Label | Portfolio bookmarks page |
Description | |
Type | int+ |
Default value |
Portfolio Templates
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.view.templateRootPath |
Label | Path to template root |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:portfolios/Resources/Private/Templates/ |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.view.partialRootPath |
Label | Path to template partials |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:portfolios/Resources/Private/Partials/ |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.view.layoutRootPath |
Label | Path to template layouts |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:portfolios/Resources/Private/Layouts/ |
Portfolio List
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.list.image.width |
Label | Image width |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 565 |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.list.image.height |
Label | Image height |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 377 |
Portfolio Filter
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.filter.word.queryFields |
Label | Query fields |
Description | Searchword is searched for in DB fields |
Type | string |
Default value | title,subTitle,teaser,description,markdown |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.filter.category.sorting |
Label | Category |
Description | Sort by title or sorting |
Type | Selectbox with options: title, sorting |
Default value | title |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.filter.tagCategory.sorting |
Label | Tag category |
Description | Sort by title or sorting |
Type | Selectbox with options: title, sorting |
Default value | title |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.filter.tag.sorting |
Label | Tag |
Description | Sort by title or sorting |
Type | Selectbox with options: title, sorting |
Default value | title |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.filter.queryType |
Label | Query type |
Description | Defines how to request data |
Type | Selectbox with options: WHERE (title LIKE %test% OR subTitle LIKE %test% OR queryFields) AND (category=1 OR category=2 OR category=3) AND (tag=1 OR tag=2 OR tag3) AND (uid IN pre-filtered-uids), WHERE (title LIKE %test% OR subTitle LIKE %test% OR queryFields) AND (category=1 OR category=2 OR category=3) AND (tag=1 AND tag=2 AND tag3) AND (uid IN pre-filtered-uids), WHERE (title LIKE %test% OR subTitle LIKE %test% OR queryFields) AND (category=1 OR category=2 OR category=3) AND ((tag=1 OR tag=2 grouped by TagCategory) AND (tag3 OR tag4 grouped by TagCategory) AND (uid IN pre-filtered-uids*) |
Default value | WHERE (title LIKE %test% OR subTitle LIKE %test% OR queryFields) AND (category=1 OR category=2 OR category=3) AND (tag=1 OR tag=2 OR tag3) AND (uid IN pre-filtered-uids) |
Portfolio Teaser
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.teaser.image.width |
Label | Image width |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 500 |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.teaser.image.height |
Label | Image height |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 334 |
Portfolio Detail
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.detail.image.width |
Label | Image width |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 800 |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.detail.image.height |
Label | Image height |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 532 |
Portfolio Bookmarks (Pro version required)
Constant | |
Label | Activate bookmarks |
Description | |
Type | Selectbox with options: 0, 1 |
Default value | 1 |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.bookmarks.maxItems |
Label | Max selectable bookmarks |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | 3 |
Portfolio PDF
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.pdf.portfolio.fontPath |
Label | Font path |
Description | Overwrites the path to the PDF-Fonts |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:fluid_fpdf/Resources/Private/Fonts |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.pdf.portfolio.imagePath |
Label | Image path |
Description | Overwrites the path to the PDF-Images |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:fluid_fpdf/Resources/Private/Images |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.pdf.portfolio.background |
Label | Background path |
Description | For example EXT:fluid_fpdf/Resources/Private/Pdf/Normbriefbogen_DIN5008.pdf or fileadmin/Pdf/Expose/Briefpapier.pdf |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:fluid_fpdf/Resources/Private/Pdf/Normbriefbogen_DIN5008.pdf |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.pdf.portfolio.partialRootPath |
Label | Partials path |
Description | Overwrites the path to the Fluid-Partials |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:portfolios_pro/Resources/Private/Partials/ |
Constant | themes.configuration.extension.portfolios.pdf.portfolio.templateRootPath |
Label | Template path |
Description | Overwrites the path to the Expose-Template |
Type | string |
Default value | EXT:portfolios_pro/Resources/Private/Templates/ |
Isotope JavaScript
Constant | themes.configuration.javascript.libraries.isotope.source |
Label | Isotope JavaScript sources |
Description | |
Type | string |
Default value | |