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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Backend Module

The Fluid Form extension includes a backend module that provides an overview of emails and enquiries. In order for the backend module to read in a data container, the container must have Fluid Form mails selected in the Contains plugin field in the page settings.

Email Filter

  • Date from/to: Time period. By default, this is the previous week.
  • Storage: The data container in which the emails are located. If you have access to several data containers, you can easily switch between them here.
  • Form: Select the form to be used for displaying the emails.
  • Search word: Searches through all fields with name or mail in their fieldKey.

List columns

As the Backend module is based on the Modules extension, the list columns can easily be adapted as required using TypoScript, i.e. you can display different information in different containers or subbranches.

The basic fields are pre-defined and configured. If you switch between different forms in the module, a check is carried out to determine which of the fields appear in that form. Unnecessary fields are dynamically removed.

One possible field configuration looks as follows:

module.tx_fluidform {
    settings {
        lists {
            mails {
                fields {
                    applicationAs {
                        format = Form/Field
                        sortable = 1
                    name {
                        format = Form/Field
                        sortable = 1
                    phone {
                        format = Form/Field
                        sortable = 1
                    email {
                        format = Form/Field
                        sortable = 1
    # Language values for modules list
        default {
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_application_as = Application as
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_name = Name
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_phone = Phone
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_email = Email
        de {
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_application_as = Bewerbung als
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_name = Name
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_phone = Telefon
            tx_modules_label.list_mails_col_email = Email

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