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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Prefill hidden field with News-Title or similar data

Use a hidden field with section ValueFromTypoScript. The value field contains a marker name, in which the required Data string is written:

fields {
    objekttitle < plugin.tx_fluidform.presets.fields.hidden
    objekttitle {
        label = Immobilie
        section = ValueFromTypoScript
        value = lib.openimmo.objekttitel

The marker can be filled as usual by a TypoScriptRECORD object:

lib.openimmo.objekttitel = COA
lib.openimmo.objekttitel {
    wrap = This is the title:|
    10 = RECORDS
    10 {
        # id des template-records
        source = {GP:tx_openimmo_immobilie|immobilie}
        source.insertData = 1
        tables = tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie
        conf.tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie >
        conf.tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie = TEXT
        conf.tx_openimmo_domain_model_immobilie.field = objekttitel

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