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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Configuration of the database finisher


Finishers are processed in the same order as they're defined - for that take a look into the TypoScript-Object-Browser.

For using the database finisher for a form you need the following TypoScript configuration:

plugin.tx_fluidform.settings.forms.contactBasic {
    finisher {
        # Copy database finisher pre-definition
        database < plugin.tx_fluidform.presets.finisher.database
        database {
            # Activate the database finisher
            active = 1
            # Define the Container, where the records should be saved
            storagePid = 605


You are able to change the page tree icon of the Mail-Container - just open the page settings, jump to tab Behaviour and select the Fluid Form mails item in section Use as Container.

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