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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

TYPO3 - Downloadmanager

This extension provides a simple download manager.


  • Password-protected downloads
  • Public downloads
  • Automated emails with access details after creation of download access
  • Can be configured via THEMES extension

PRO version Features:

  • Send access data on download access creation
  • Easily manageable downloads in convenient downloads backend module
  • Mass download code creation
  • CSV-Export of download access
  • Automated creation of .htaccess! Immer nur in den geschützen Verzeichnissen!? ..da wir nie wisse wo diese genau liegen.
  • Choose which columns/info is displayed
  • Download restricted files in file list module.

Setup of download files

Download files must be grouped in download collections. Files are added to download collections by folder, by category or individually selected. The download collections have two different categories:

  • Default: The links of the files are printed as HTML. For example: https://www.domain.tld/fileadmin/Downloads/File.pdf
  • Restricted: The links of the files are printed as Download-Manager Action-Links. This means, the Download-Manager Plugin receives a request with the File-Uid. The plugin checks the authority of the user and searches for the file in the file collections - if everything is ok, the file will be delivered by a PHP method.


Restricted files must be secured by placing a .htaccess file in the restricted areas!

The downloadmanager extension can be combined with a lot of other extensions.


If you are using the EXT:view_statistics for tracking downloads, the download collection must be of type Restricted!

Protected Downloads

Download-Protection generally works as follows. Files can only be downloaded by the DownloadManager-Plugins. Plugins (in restricted Download-Collections) need the file uid in order to download the files. The plugin receives a file uid and checks if the file is in the file collections. If found, the download will be initiated otherwise nothing will happen. Note: The Download-Manager only supplies files from selected file collections. If the requested file is protected by a .htaccess file, the file collection needs to be in the restricted category - otherwise the .htaccess will take effect.

Protected Downloads by Download-Access

This plugin shows a login form on start up that is independent of the frontend user. The form compares the entered credentials with available download access records. When the visitor has successfully logged in, the download collections related to the download access are listed.


The selected file collections must be restricted. Also, make sure that you have correctly positioned your .htaccess files so that your restricted files are saved!

Protected downloads for frontend users

Download protection for frontend users is very easy.

To do

  • XML to XLIFF
  • ICON für Access


  • New-content-element-wizard


Page not found error on download a file

If you get the following error:

Page Not Found
Reason: Request parameters could not be validated (&cHash empty)

Go to installtool and set:

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['pageNotFoundOnCHashError'] = false

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