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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

OpenImmo importer

After you have installed and configured the OpenImmo extension and have set up the scheduler you can start importing your data by using an OpenImmo-API or ImmoScout-API. It is important to know that the OpenImmo importer looks for import data in the uploads/tx_openimmo/connection-x directory (x will be replaced by the uid of the connection; if the folder doesn't exists, execute the scheduler task and it will be created). Make sure you configure your property management software so that its export data is automatically output to this directory.


The following property management software has already been used successfully with the TYPO3 OpenImmo extension:

If you run the scheduler the uploads/tx_openimmo/connection-x directory is checked for .zip files. If a .zip file is found it is decompressed and then imported. If more than one file is found they will be imported one after the other. The importer imports files in ascending alphabetical and numerical order. Make sure that your uploaded import files are .zip files!


The first import in a new system must always be a complete import (Umfang=VOLL)

If the importer doesn't find any import data it simply does nothing.


The filenames of attachments of a property (pictures, PDFs, etc.) shouldn't contain umlauts or any special characters otherwise the documents may not be assigned correctly in the system. Therefore, if a picture is missing in the frontend, please check its filename.

If more than one import file is found in the import directory, because, for example, data has been processed twice during a cronjob interval, the OpenImmo importer imports the files by filename in ascending order. So if a date is included in the filename the older file will automatically be imported first.


The importer can also be run manually. Simply load an OpenImmo transfer file into the Uploads directory and then run the OpenImmo task in the Scheduler module in the TYPO3 backend. After it has run, you can then evaluate the resulting messages.


Exception: You are not allowed to access the given folder

  • Please check if the Openimmo Import / Uploads storage directory has the following properties: public, fs-writable, fs-readable, online. You can find this storage directory via the list module on the root page (Page-Uid: 0).
  • Check also the directory rights under uploads / tx_openimmo to see if Importer/www-user has write access.

Testing import files

TYPO3 OpenImmo Extension

TYPO3 OpenImmo

TYPO3 OpenImmo is a real estate extension that reads in your objects via an OpenImmo-API and displays them on your website.


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