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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Real estate enquiry form

The enquiry content element allows your visitors to submit an enquiry about a property. This enquiry should be placed on a non-visible page in the menu, as it only works if it is accessed via a property's enquiry button.

Technical info:

This plugin uses the fluid template: openimmo/Resources/Private/Templates/Immobilie/Request.html

  1. Go to the Page module and open the page where you want to create the real estate enquiry form (as just mentioned, it shouldn't be visible in the menu).

  2. Click on Create new contgent element in the content area and select plugin type OpenImmo - Request.

  3. Under the Plug-In tab you will find the usual Plugin Options, which should look as follows:

    OpenImmo real estate enquiry settings

    • Headline: Here you can set a title for your real estate enquiry.
    • Form fields to show: Here you can specifiy which fields should be on your enquiry form. You can set the order of the fields with the arrow buttons.
    • Mandatory form fields: Here you can specify which of the selected form fields are mandatory. The sort order of the mandatory fields is irrelevant.
    • Send request directly to property contact person: This function is only available in the PRO version. If this box is checked, the enquiry email is sent directly to the appropriate employee in your company. This is the contact person specified in the OpenImmo real estate data record.
    • Send information about the right of withdrawal and wait for confirmation: This function is only available in the PRO version. If this box is checked, the user will get an email with information about the right of withdrawal which he will have to confirm via a click onto a button in the email before he will receive more information. This feature is only used for purchase properties!
    • Attach exposé PDF to confirmation mail after accepting the right of withdrawal: This function is only available in the PRO version. Together with the function "Send information about the right of withdrawal and wait for confirmation" this allows you to automatically send the auto-generated exposé PDF to the user after he confirmed the right of withdrawal information.


You can use TypoScript constants to modify the size of the real estate images. You will need to set two constants (you can find more detailed information about these constants here).

themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.image.width = 340px
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.image.height =

These two constants are passed from settings to the fluid template und notify f:image how big the image should be. If one of the two values is left blank, as in the above example, image size is calculated as a proportion of the value given.

In order to send an enquiry email a sender address must be entered. This is done by simply entering the following values in the two TypoScript constants:

# Absender E-Mailadresse
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.email.fromEmail = info(at)typo3-openimmo(dot)de
# Absender Name
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.email.fromName = TYPO3 - Openimmo

Of course the system also needs to know who this real estate enquiry will be sent to. If you are using the OpenImmo PRO version, the recipient can be obtained from the real estate data record, depending on the configuration of the enquiry form. However, if none is specified in the data record or if you aren't using the PRO version, you will need to set a default recipient of the enquiry. You can do this with the following two TypoScript constants:

# Standard Empfänger E-Mailadresse
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.email.toEmail = info(at)typo3-openimmo(dot)de
# Standard Empfänger Name
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.email.toName = TYPO3 - Openimmo - Anfrage

Custom email templates

You can change the templates which are used to render the emails for the "right of withdrawal"-functions. Set the following constants to your email templates:

themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.askforconfirmationmail.template = EXT:openimmo_pro/Resources/Private/Templates/Email/RequestAskForConfirmation.html
themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.confirmationmail.template = EXT:openimmo_pro/Resources/Private/Templates/Email/RequestConfirmation.html


The recipient of the real estate enquiry is displayed above the enquiry form in the fluid templates so that the visitor can see who they are contacting.

Recipient of the OpenImmo real estate enquiry

Choose the recipient address and e-mail carefully, or remove them from the fluid template you are using.

Finally, you have to specify a subject for the real estate enquiry email, which you can do using the following TypoScript constant:

themes.configuration.extension.openimmo.request.email.subject = Immobilien-Anfrage


If the subject line in the real estate enquiry email is empty, the system does not send an email!

Adjusting texts

If you use the function "Send information about the right of withdrawal and wait for confirmation" you should adjust the texts of the emails sent by the extension. Especially the information about the right of withdrawal should be adjusted individually. You can use your own language files as described in


You can find an overview over the texts and labels in

TYPO3 OpenImmo Extension

TYPO3 OpenImmo

TYPO3 OpenImmo is a real estate extension that reads in your objects via an OpenImmo-API and displays them on your website.


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