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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Forward enquiries to Immomio

Immomio is software for managing real estate (similar to FlowFact, onOffice or estateSmart) and offers an OpenImmo API.

If you work with Immommio and would like to forward enquiries from list or single view, proceed as follows:


  • Immomio has a link to the prospective customer (Interessentenlink) as a property record attachment in the relevent property data record.
  • You are using version 5.0.5 or later of the openimmo extension.

Overwrite "Request.html" template

Overwrite the "Request.html" template by specifying the path to your own templates (see section "Configuration" in the documentation), e.g.:

plugin.tx_openimmo.view.partialRootPath = EXT:projectstarter/Resources/Extensions/Openimmo/Resources/Private/Partials/
plugin.tx_openimmo.view.layoutRootPath = EXT:projectstarter/Resources/Extensions/Openimmo/Resources/Private/Layouts/
plugin.tx_openimmo.view.templateRootPath = EXT:projectstarter/Resources/Extensions/Openimmo/Resources/Private/Templates/

Create the file, e.g.:


Check to see if the prospective customer link (Interessentenlink) is available in the template and then use this instead of the standard links for the "Enquiry" button.

    <f:section name="Bootstrap4">

        <f:for each="{immobilie.anhaenge}" as="anhang">
            <f:if condition="{anhang.title} == 'Interessentenlink'">
                <f:variable name="requestLink">{anhang.url}</f:variable>

        <f:if condition="{settings.request.defaultPid} == 0">
                <div class="alert alert-info"><f:translate key="tx_openimmo_message.error_please_define_a_request_page_uid" extensionName="Openimmo" /></div>
                <f:if condition="{requestLink}">
                        <f:link.external uri="{requestLink}"
                                         class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary"
                                         title="{f:translate(key: 'tx_openimmo_label.button_request_title', extensionName: 'Openimmo')}"
                            <i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> <f:translate key="tx_openimmo_label.button_request_label" extensionName="Openimmo" />
                        <f:link.action action="request" pageUid="{settings.request.defaultPid}" controller="Immobilie"
                                       pluginName="Request" arguments="{immobilie: immobilie}"
                                       class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-primary" title="{f:translate(key: 'tx_openimmo_label.button_request_title', extensionName: 'Openimmo')}">
                            <i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> <f:translate key="tx_openimmo_label.button_request_label" extensionName="Openimmo" />

TYPO3 OpenImmo Extension

TYPO3 OpenImmo

TYPO3 OpenImmo is a real estate extension that reads in your objects via an OpenImmo-API and displays them on your website.


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