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Please note that this documentation is for the most recent version of this extension. It may not be relevant for older versions. Related documentation can be found in the documentation directory of the extension.

Creating a real estate quicksearch

Quicksearch is a simple filter which is ideal for putting on a homepage or sidebar. Filter options and the order in which they are displayed can be set individually.

Technical info:

This plugin uses the following fluid template:


  1. Go to the Seiten module and open the page on which you would like to create a quick search.

  2. In the correct content area, click Neues Inhaltselement erstellen and select the OpenImmo - QuickSearch plug-in.

  3. Under the Plug-In tab you will find the normal Erweiterungseinstellungen, which look like this:

    OpenImmo Quicksearch plugin settings

    • Headline: Set the title of your real estate quicksearch.

    • Search fields: Set the filter options that will be available for the quicksearch. You can use the arrow key to sort the items that you have already selected. The following filter options are currently available:

      • Wohnfläche: Select the amount of living space in square metres. Simply define the possible values in Setup-TypoScript as follows:

        plugin.tx_openimmo.settings.search.fieldOptions {
            # Unterhalb dieses Keys können beliebig viele Einträge erstellt werden
            immobilie_flaechen_wohnflaeche {
                # Dies ist der erste Eintrag
                1 {
                    # …er hat das Label egal
                    label = egal
                    start = 0
                    end = 0
                # Dies ist der zweite Eintrag
                2 {
                    label = 30 - 50 m²
                    # Das Ergebnis soll mindestens 30m² haben
                    start = 30
                    # …aber maximal 50m²
                    end = 50
                3 {
                    label = 50 - 70 m²
                    start = 50
                    end = 70
                4 {
                    label = 70 - 90 m²
                    start = 70
                    end = 90
                5 {
                    # Dieser Eintrag soll keine Grenze nach oben haben
                    label = größer 90 m²
                    start = 90
                    # …daher wird einfach ein sehr großer Wert ans Ende gestellt
                    end = 999
      • Basic rent without heating costs: Select the maximum basic rent. You can also setup the available options using Setup-TypoScript - the logic is the same as for real estate living space above.

        plugin.tx_openimmo.settings.search.fieldOptions {
            immobilie_preise_nettokaltmiete {
                1 {
                    label = egal
                    start = 0
                    end = 0
                2 {
                    label = bis 300 €
                    start = 0
                    end = 300
                3 {
                    label = bis 500 €
                    start = 0
                    end = 500
                4 {
                    label = bis 700 €
                    start = 0
                    end = 700
                5 {
                    label = bis 900 €
                    start = 0
                    end = 900
      • Number of rooms: Select the number of rooms. You can also use Setup-TypoScript for setting up the options.

        plugin.tx_openimmo.settings.search.fieldOptions {
            immobilie_flaechen_anzahlZimmer {
                1 {
                    label = egal
                    start = 0
                    end = 0
                2 {
                    label = 1
                    start = 1
                    end = 1
                3 {
                    label = 2
                    start = 2
                    end = 2
                4 {
                    label = 3
                    start = 3
                    end = 3
                5 {
                    label = 4
                    start = 4
                    end = 4
                6 {
                    label = 5 oder mehr
                    start = 5
                    end = 99
      • Location: Here you can select the location of the property. In this case the entries will be collected together from the places indicated in the available real estate.


Using TypoScript constants you need to set the page for the property search (you can find more detailed information about the constants here).

themes.configuration.pages.openimmo.search = 302
TYPO3 OpenImmo Extension

TYPO3 OpenImmo

TYPO3 OpenImmo is a real estate extension that reads in your objects via an OpenImmo-API and displays them on your website.


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